Arts & Ideas Assignments

Reading Assignments
complete by given date


Death mask, Mycenae, c1200bc

I  The Classical Heritage

. . . Greeks bearing gifts


29 August

Telling Stories
Seeing Events

Judging Paris
Approaching Homer
The Greek Anthology
Discussion Forums

5 September

Homer, The Iliad, Bks I-VI, IX-X
Forum I

12 September

Homer, The Iliad, Bks XII-XV, XVI-XIX
Forum II


19 September

Homer, The Iliad, Bks XX-XXIV
Forum III


26 September
-- Iliad Paper --


Centaur and Lapith, Parthenon metope, c.450bc


3 October

Exploring Athens
Thucydides, Pericles, Plague
Aeschylus, Agamemnon, Thucydides, Histories
Forum IV


10 October

Approaching Greek Philosophy
Heraclitus Fragments, Zeno Paradoxes
Aristotle, Poetics, Pride, Magnanimity, Metaphysics

Plato, Divided Line, Parable of the Cave
Forum V


17 October

Plato, "The Symposium"

Forum VI


24 October
-- Greek Exam --


Mary of Burgundy, 1477


II  Medieval Illumination

In the beginning was the Word . . .


31 October

Engaging Love

Medieval Lyrics
Capellanus, The Art of Courtly Love
Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde I-III
Forum VII


7 November

Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde IV-V

Augustine, Stolen Fruit
Mary of Burgundy

Innocent, On Misery
Forum VIII


Holbein, The Ambassadors, 1533


III  Renaissance Perspective

What a piece of work is a man . . .


14 November

Developing Perspectives
Pico, On the Dignity of Man
Machiavelli, The Prince
Jardin, Epilogue to Worldly Goods
Forum IX



21 November

Shakespeare, Othello
The Circulation of Power

Forum X


Vesalius, De fabrica corporis, 1543


IV  Distinguishing Perspectives

Rather give you an appetite than offend with satiety


28 November
Mapping Worlds
Vesalius, The Human Body

Galileo, The Starry Messenger
Darwin, The Survival of the Fittest

Bacon, The Four Idols
Peirce, The Fixation of Belief

Forum XI


Blake, Joy from Songs of Innocence, 1789


V  Modern Progress

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times


5 December
Creating Company
Blake, Songs

The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

Forum XII


12 December

 -- Final Exam, Final Paper --