are we?
University of Baltimore citizens, we vary in backgrounds, ages,
occupations associations and interests. Prepare a short (100 words
or so) introduction to share with fellows in this study group. Few
schools bring together such a range of students.
do we act?
energy, we can turn responsibilities into opportunities. Energy
first informs reading.
Care and efficiency in preparation, including
timely reading, also informs discussions.
Fellow students fruitfully
contributing expect
in return your care and attention.
With courtesy we can widen our associations,
interests and
opportunities. As members
of a diverse group, varied in backgrounds,
ages, occupations and interests, we can make
a virtue of differences.
With curiosity we can feel our way into the
habits of attention,
the feelings and thoughts
and activities of other individuals, of
other cultures, distinctive in time and With patience we will
the restrictions and opportunities technology offers.
technology we will explore a feature
of our culture, the growing
influence of technology.
Our first meeting is face-to-face, and
meetings, not a later requirement, are certainly available.
Our first meeting offers experience and help
with electronic media. Our
first meeting enables us
to meet. Our first meeting begins our
collective objective: to read stories with increasing energy,
curiosity and refinement.