Chaos [void] has daughter Gaea as
well as Eros,
Tartarus, Erebus and Night. Gaea [Earth] produces
son Ouranos (Uranus) [sky). Titans are offspring
of Gaea and Ouranos.
Oceanus (father of Iapetus,
father of Prometheus),
Koros, Hyperion, Cronos, Rhea, Theia, Themis,
Mnemosyne [memory], Phoebe, Tethys
(mother of Iapetus, father of Prometheus).
of Rhea and Chronos
Zeus (Jupiter), Poseidon
(Neptune), Hades (Pluto),
Hera (Juno), Hestia (Vesta), and Demeter (Ceres).
Offspring of Zeus
Ares (Mars), Haephestus
(Vulcan), Hebe, Athena (Minerva), Apollo (Apollo), Artemis
(Diana), Hermes (Mercury), Aphrodite (Venus), and Dionysis
(late addition to original Olympians)
Deities &
Zeus [eagle and lightning bolt]
king, sky god
Poseidon [trident] sea, earthquakes
Hades [grain, cock] underworld
Apollo [sun, lyre] sun, harmony, music, youth, healing
Ares [sword] war, dischord
Haephestus [fire, hammer] fire, smithing, technology
Hermes [winged sandals] traders, travellers, thieves
Hera [peacock] queen, marriage
Hestia [fire] hearth, home
Athena [owl, shield] reason, strategy, battle, wisdom
Artemis [moon, bow] moon, hunt, birth
Aphrodite [doves, ceinture] passion. beauty, love
Dionysis [thyrsis, grapes] god of wine, theatre