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Reading Mary of Burgundy Mary of Burgundy appears immersed in a particular hour in 1477, realizing in the theatre of her mind the presence of Mary. Her intercessor, incarnate in imagination, offers solace. Mary’s father, Charles the Bold, has died, leaving her at twenty the Duchess of Burgundy. Louis XI of France threatening her inheritance, offers the reconciliation of marriage, but she will prefer Maximilian of Austria, the future Holy Roman Emperor (1493). Her reading begins with a flourished O, perhaps the beginning of a poem she would particularly cherish at this pressing moment: Obsecro te (I beseech thee) –
Mary’s reading, a spiritual exercise, depends for effect on her active participation in specific settings, in actualizing a real moment.
Thomas Becket Approaches Mary Her prayer follows the inspiration of a predecessor, Thomas Becket, also actualizing a particular moment. Becket, as chancellor of England (1155–62), had furthered the policies of Henry II of England. But as Archbishop of Canterbury (1162–70) he acted independently, refusing to cede church prerogatives to the monarch. A devote of Mary, he composed the Obsecro te that now inspires Mary. A flourished capital recalls in black the death Becket will face with Mary’s support, as well as the death of Mary’s father, Charles the Bold. Thomas Becket turns from his former king to Mary, the object of his present and enduring veneration. Surely Mary of Burgundy, herself oppressed with suitors, enjoys the power of Mary to supplant Henry as the object of Becket’s devotion.
Mary’s Nature and Revelation Mary may revive spirits through springtime flowers. Variety appears not just in diversity of shapes, colors, sizes, but also in every individual of a common species. The least flower, the tiniest of moths, all of creation, lives with distinction. Mary recognizes also in the shortening days of autumn the character of death, the passage of all mortals. Each skull she notes, carries the distinctive impressions of individual experience.
Mary no doubt
appreciates in scallop shells the situations of souls seeking
the guidance of James, patron saint of pilgrims. Each shell, lovingly
individuated, reminds her of the animate being now removed to joy or
sorrow. Presently,
Mary Builds Chartres Mary's blue robe, a relic brought to Chartres in France by crusaders returning from Jerusalem, mirrors the celestial blue sky surrounding her in heaven. Sunlight radiates from each. Suppliants before her robe, like suppliants looking up to the blue cloak of heavens, seek her presence, her light. Miracles follow.
Mary Brings Light Those seeking Mary’s intercession at Chartres literally stand in heavenly light. Every hour of every day varies Mary’s presence: circumstances ─ weather, politics, economics, moods ─ shift and flow. Life generating sunlight, infinitely inflected with Mary‘s intercessions, move each and every suppliant. At vespers (evening), approaching the Western portal, the setting sun animates the judgment day arching the doorway, anticipating two approaching worlds, the illuminations of heaven, the shadings of hell. Within, eastward, altar candles anticipate morning sunrise. At transept, northern exposure offsets temperate South rose, realizing under the protective wall the temperate garden which shelters all creatures. What drives such activity? Not, presumably, the technical discovery of vaulting, flying buttresses, illuminated glass. More, the spirit of Mary, a new influence manifesting new circumstances and desires throughout Europe in the 12th century.
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