There are still certain
problems, which, taken as consequences of this truth assumed as proven,
are not without their use in exciting belief, as it were, a
posteriore; and which, although they may seem to be involved in much
doubt and obscurity, nevertheless readily adrnit of having reasons and
causes assigned for them. Of such a nature are those that present
themselves in connection with contagions, poisoned wounds, the bites of
serpents and rabid animals, lues venerea and the like. We sometimes see
the whole system contaminated, thougll the part first infected remains
sound; the lues venerea has occasionally made its attack with pains in the
shoulders and head, and other symptoms, the genital organs being all the
while unaffected; and then we know that the wound made by a rabid dog
having healed, fever and a train of disastrous symptoms may nevertheless
supervene. Whence it appears that the contagion impressed upon or
deposited in a particular part, is by-and-by carried by the returning
current of blood to the heart, and by that organ is sent to contaminate
the whole body.
tertian fever, the morbific cause seeking the heart in the first instance,
and hanging about the heart and lungs, renders the patient shortwillded,
disposed to sighing, and indisposed to exertion, because the vital
principle is oppressed and the blood forced into the lungs and rendered
thick. It does not pass through them, (as I have myself seen in opening
the bodies of those who had died in the beginning of the attack,) when the
pulse is always frequent, small, and occasionally irregular; but the heat
increasing, the matter becoming attenuated, the passages forced, and the
transit made, the whole body begins to rise in temperature, and the pulse
becomes fuller and stronger. The febrile paroxysm is fully formed, whilst
the preternatural heat kindled in the heart is thence diffused by the
arteries through the whole body along with the morbific matter, which is
in this way overcome and dissolved by nature.
we perceive, further, that medicines applied externally exert their
influence on the body just as if they had been taken internally, the truth
we are contending for is confirmed. Colocynth and aloes in this way move
the belly, cantharides excites the urine, garlic applied to the soles of
the feet assists expectoration, cordials strengthen, and an infinite
number of examples of the same kind might be cited. Perhaps it will not,
therefore, be found unreasonable, if we say that the veins, by means of
their orifices, absorb some of the things that are applied externally and
carry this inwards with the blood, not otherwise, it may be, than those of
the mesentery imbibe the chyle from the intestines and carry it mixed with
the blood to the liver. For the blood entering the mesentery by the celiac
artery, and the superior and inferior mesenteries, proceeds to the
intestines, from which, along with the chyle that has been attracted into
the veins, it retums by their numerous ramifications into the vena portae
of the liver, and from this into the vena cava, and in such wise that the
blood in these veins has the same colour and consistency as in other
veins, in opposition to what many believe to be the fact. Nor indeed can
we imagine two contrary motions in any capillary system—the chyle
upwards, the blood downwards. This could scarcely take place, and must be
held as altogether improbable. But is not the thing rather arranged as it
is by the consumunate providence of nature? For were the chyle mingled
with the blood, the crude with the digested, in equal proportions, the
result would not be concoction, transmutation, and sanguification, but
rather, and because they are severally active and passive, a mixture or
combination, or medium compound of the two, precisely as happens when wine
is mixed with water and syrup. But when a very minute quantity of chyle is
mingled with a very large quantity of circulating blood, a quantity of
chyle that bears no kind of proportion to the mass of blood, the effect is
the same as Aristotle says, as when a drop of water is added to a cask of
wine, or the contrary; the mass does not then present itself as a mixture,
but is still sensibly either wine or water. So in the mesenteric veins of
an animal we do not find either chyme or chyle and blood, blended together
or distinct, but only blood, the same in colour, consistency, and other
sensible properties, as it appears in the veins generally. Still as there
is a certain though small and inappreciable proportion of chyle or
incompletely digested matter mingled with this blood, nature has
interposed the liver, in whose meandering channels it suffers delay and
undergoes additional change, lest arriving prematurely and crude at the
heart, it should oppress the vital principle. Hence in the embryo, there
is almost no use for the liver, but the umbilical vein passes directly
through, a foramen or anastomosis existing from the vena portae. The blood
returns from the intestines of the foetus, not through the liver, but into
the umbilical vein mentioned, and flows at once into the heart, mingled
with the natural blood which is returning from the placenta; whence also
it is that in the development of the foetus the liver is one of the organs
that is last formed. I have observed all the members perfectly marked out
in the human foetus, even the genital organs, whilst there was yet
scarcely any trace of the liver. And indeed at the period when all the
parts, like the heart itself in the beginning, are still white, and except
in the veins there is no appearance of redness, you shall see nothing in
the seat of the liver but a shapeless collection, as it were, of
extravasated blood, which you might take for the effects of a contusion or
ruptured vein.
in the incubated egg there are, as it were, two umbilical vessels, one
from the albumen passing entire through the liver, and going straight to
the heart; another from the yelk, ending in the vena portae; for it
appears that the chick, in the first instance, is entirely formed and
nourished by the white; but by the yelk after it has come to perfection
and is excluded from the shell; for this part may still be found in the
abdomen of the chick; many days after its exclusion, and is a substitute
for the milk to other animals.
these matters will be better spoken of in my observations on the
fortnation of the foetus, where many propositions, the following among the
number, will be discussed: Wherefore is this part formed or perfected
first, that last, and of the several members, what part is the cause of
another? And there are many points having special reference to the heart,
such as wherefore does it first acquire consistency, and appear to possess
life, motion, sense, before any other part of the body is perfected, as
Aristotle says in his third book, “De partibus Animalium”? And so also
of the blood, wherefore does it precede all the rest? And in what way does
it possess the vital and animal principle, and show a tendency to motion,
and to be impelled hither and thither, the end for which the heart appears
to be made? In the same way, in considering the pulse, why should one kind
of pulse indicate death, another recovery? And so of all the other kinds
of pulse what may be the cause and indication of each? Likewise we must
consider the reason of crises and natural critical discharges; of
nutrition, and especially the distribution of the nutriment; and of
defluxions of every description. Finally, reflecting on every part of
medicine, physiology, pathology, semeiotics, and therapeutics, when I sec
how mally questions can bc answered, how many doubts resolved, how much
obscurity illustrated by the truth we have declared, the light we have
made to shine, I see a field of such vast extent in which I might proceed
so far, and expatiate so widely, that this my tractate would not only
spell out into a volume, which was beyond my purpose, but my whole life,
perchance would not suffice for its completion.
this place, therefore, and that indeed in a single chapter, I shall only
endeavour to refer the various particulars that present themselves in the
dissection of the heart and arteries to their several uses and causes; for
so I shall meet with many things which receive light from the truth I have
been contending for, and which, in their turn, render it more obvious. And
indeed I would have it confirmed and illustrated by anatomical arguments
above all others.
is but a single point which indeed would be more correctly placed among
our observations on the use of the spleen, but which it will not be
altogether impertinent to notice in this place incidelltally. From the
splenetic branc
passes into the pancreas, and from the upper part, arise the posterior
coronary, gastric, and gastroepiploic veins, all of which are distributed
UpOII the stomach in numerous branches and twigs, just as the mesenteric
vessels are upon the intestines. In a similar way, from the inferior part
of the same splenic branch, and alone the back of the colon and rectum
proceed the hemor rhoidal veins. The blood returning by these veins, and
bringing the cruder juices along with it, on the one halld from the
stomach, where they are thin, watery, and not yet perfectly chylified; on
the other thick and more earthy, as derived from the feces, but all poured
into this splenic branch, are duly tempered by the admixture of
contraries; and nature mingling together these two kinds of juices,
difficult of coction by reason of most opposite defects, and then diluting
them with a large quantity of warm blood, (for we see that the quantity
returned from the spleen must be very large when we contemplate the size
of its they are brought to the porta of the state of higher preparation.
The defects extreme are supplied and compensated by this arrangement of
the veins.