UBUniversity of Baltimore
Merrick School of Business

Assignment 5:
Page with frames and form as the default page

  1. create a new page in KompoZer or other editor  and name it home2.html.
    1. copy   the  code for myframe.html , save it as home2.html (view souce and save as). a
    2. edit  FRAMESET cols= "25%, 75%" , corresponding to two areas: 25% and 75% of the screen.
    3. continue working in this page and edit two lines with frame src= tags naming your left and right frames, and  the names of the pages that will load in the left and right frames:  choice.html  (left frame)  and  myform.html (righ frame).
    4. finish the page and save it again as home2.html

  2. create a new page in KompoZer or other editor  and name it choice.html
    1. type a header: "Thanks for visiting! Please choose a destination" and add four links to the choice.html page: your home page (home.html), your favorites page (favorites.html), your form page  (myform.html) and  University of Baltimore (www.ubalt.edu).
    2. edit all links in the choice.html page  and add target="right",  or to whatever you named your right frame. Note: if you do not do this the linked pages will show in the left frame that it is too small for them.
    3. finish the page and save it again as choice.html

  3. create a new page in KompoZer  and name it myform.html
    1. copy the html code of baseform.html , save it as myform.html (view souce and save as).
    2. type a header: "Please send me your comments" and edit this page including an area for the person name, e-mail address and a textarea for their messages.
    3. edit the form  to include your e-mail address as recipient, change the subject, etc. Read the comments where these changes need to be done viewing the comments in the page (view source for this).
    4. Important Note: you need to use your UB or UB-Towson e-mail address for the FormMail work correctly, otherwise you will receive an error that the recipient is either missing or not valid.
    5. finish the page and save it again as myform.html

  4. open the file home2.html in your browser and see if all is working, particularly if you can navigate the frames and send an e-mail to yourself
  5. once all is working upload the home2.html, choice.html and myform.html  files to your UB Web space.
  6. Please post the URL (Web address) of your home2.html file in ASSIGNMENT area under Assignment 5 by the end of the day of March 7 .