UBUniversity of Baltimore
Merrick School of Business

Assignment 6:
Create a page with frames and an imagemap in the left frame

  1. create a new page in KompoZer or other editor  and  name it home3.html
    1. open the home2.html page (your assignment 5) in KompoZer or other editor.
    2. replace choice.html with choice2.html as the page that will load in the left frame.
    3. save the page as home3.html.
  2. create a new page in KompoZer or other editor  and  name it choice2.html
    1. create an image with four distinct areas: Home page, favorites, messages, and University of Baltimore(Hint: use Powerpoint to do so).
    2. make it small enough and crop  any wide areas using XnView so that it can fit in the left side of your choice.html page, also created last week.
    3. open the choice.html page, delete the links you have there, insert the image you just created and save the page as choice2.html.
    4. open choice2.html in Mapedit and create the hotsposts leading from the four areas of the image to the URL of your pages and UB. Remember to select target=right (or whatever name you gave to your right frame).
    5. save choice2.html again, but remember to remove the blue border as an option.
    6. test your imagemap in Mapedit

  3. open the file home3.html in your browser and see if all is working, particularly if you can navigate the frames using the imagemap.
  4. once all is working upload the model3.html, choice2.html files and your gif image file to your UB Web space.
  5. Please post the URL (Web address) of your home3.html file in ASSIGNMENT area under assignment 6 by the end of the day of March 14 .

This page is maintained by Al Bento who can be reached at abento@ubalt.edu This page was last updated on January 15, 2010. Although we will attempt to keep this information accurate, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.