University of Baltimore
Merrick School of Business

Project 1:
A CGI authenticating users and displaying the contents of a file.

INSS 452/752

Your group will build on the assignment 3 for the UB Programing Club (fictitious), and allow members to login and see the Club membership roster. This project assumes that you have created the members.txt file in assignment 3, including Club member's username, password (encrypted), address, name and e-mail.

  1. Your first task is to create a form with title and header1: Programming Club login, which accepts username and password as input. Note: this is the login form.

  2. Your second task is to download the script to adapt and use in your project.

  3. Your third task is to modify script to process the login form and use the members.txt file you created in assignment 3, to authenticate the member login (check if he/she is a member or not).

    Note: don't forget to encrypt the password entered in the login form before comparing with the one in members.txt.

  4. Your last task is to create a page describing the project with links to your CGIs (include also the one you used to create the members.txt file). Upload the forms (the one you used in assignment 3 and the login form), scripts and the page to ubmail or home (only one is required).

  5. Finally, post in the Files area of the Forum the URL of your project page in or (P1).

This page is maintained by Al Bento who can be reached at This page was last updated on August 20, 2002. Although we will attempt to keep this information accurate, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.