Readings on Security in Window

In this class, like the prior Web class, you will also read a series of documents which will help increase Windows security. You will probably use many of the suggestions in the readings and some tools to increase security in machines using Windows 2000, XP, 7,8,10.

  1. Windows FAQ.

  2. Prior readings in Windows 9x/ME/NT

  3. Microsoft Security Resources - Microsoft security sites.

  4. Microsoft Technet - Security: security bulletins, news, hotfixes, etc.

  5. Microsoft Security Essentials: Free Microsoft AV support for Windows 7.

  6. Belarc Advisor Free Personal PC Audit, very detailed, includind patches, licenses, etc.

  7. Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer: checks a variety of items like passwords, accounts, file system, aulogon, etc.

  8. Microsoft Security Tool Kit: Guides, Updates, and Tools - a basic reference for Microsoft tools and guides.

  9. Windows ITPro Security Blog

  10. Authentication: Kerberos explained, Kerberos Authentication Tools and Settings, and Kerberos in Windows Server 2008.

  11. Windows Server Update Services (WSUS): Allows a network administrator to obtain current patches in a Windows Server, and install (distribute) remotely to Windows clients.

This page is maintained by Al Bento who can be reached at This page was last updated on August 28,2017. Although we will attempt to keep this information accurate, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.