INSS 641 - OUTLINE (Text version)

Day    Topic                 Readings                    Case/other
09/09  IRM concept and       1, 2                        group formation
       overview              Niederman,F,Brancheau,J.C.
                             Systems Management Issues
                             for the 1990s,"MISQ,(15)4,
09/16  IS/IT environment     Boynton, A.C., Victor, B.   E-mail review
                             and Pine, B.J. "New         Bento, R. "Many
                             Competitive Strategies:     Happy Returns,"
                             Challenges to Organization  UB, 1995
                             and Information
                             Technology," IBM Systems
                             Journal, (32)1,1993, 40-52
09/23  planning              11                          9-492-003
                             Hwang, "Selecting an IT     Lithonia
                             Strategic Planning          Lighting
                             Methodology," JITM,(3)1,
                             1992, pp.39-42
09/30  budgeting for IS/IT   Houch, A Practical Guide    9-188-057
                             to..., Lexington Books,     J.B. Ivey & Co.
                             1979, chapter. 7
                             Datamation IS Budgets
                             Surveys: (35)7, 1988,
10/07  project management    9-613-020                   9-192-061
                             Space Constructors, Inc.    ATM, Inc
                             Brooks, The Mythical Man-
                             Month, 1985.
10/14  project management    6,8                         9-492-002
       in IS                 Arthur, L.J., Software      Shadow Partner
                             Evolution, New York: John
                             Wiley & Sons, 1988, ch. 1.
10/21  performance           Weill, P."The Relationship  9-192-151
       measurement           Between Investment in IT    Concordia
                             and Firm Performance,"      Casting
                             ISR, (3)4,1992,307-332.
                             DeLone,W and McLean, E. R.
                             "Information Systems
                             Success: The Quest for the
                             Dependent Variable," ISR,
                             (3) 1,1992, 60 -95
10/28  quality management    Garvin D A, March A "Note   9-192-071, 072
                             on Quality: The Views of    Rank Xerox A,B
                             Deming, Juran, and Crosby"
                             HBSP,  Note #
                             9-687-011, 1987
11/04   quality in IS/IT      "Management Initiatives     9-191-141
                             for Continuous Quality      Beth -Israel
                             Improvement Programs," I/S  Hospital
                             Analyzer, (29) 2, February
                             Swanson, K. et all, "The
                             Application Software
                             Factory:.." MISQ, (15)4,
                             1991, 566-579.
11/11  Information           3,7                         9-192-144
       Architecture          Zackman, J. "A Framework    OOPS on Big Iron
                             for Information Systems
                             Architecture," IBM Systems
                             Journal, (26)3, 1987.
                              "Managing Information:
                             The IT Architecture,"
                             HBSP,  Note # 9-193-059,
11/18  IA & technology       10                          9-194-018
       trends                Sinha, A "Client-Server     Future of
                             Computing," Communications  Distributed
                             of ACM, (35)7, 1992, 77-97  Systems at Aetna
11/25  Thanksgiving          === no classes ===          
12/02  Human resources       Computer World, "Salary &   9-489-023
                            Job Satisfaction Survey     Du Pont Fibers
                             1993-1994," September       IS
                             Couger & Colter,
                             Maintenance Programming,
                             Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-
                             Hall, 1985, chapters 1, 4.
12/09  IS Organization       Cash JI Jr, Simon J,        9-188-037
                             Davenport TH "Managing      Manufacturers
                             Information Technology:     Hanover Corp.
                             Organization and            (A)
                             Leadership," HBSP,  Note #  
12/16  Field project         20 minutes per group,       Take-home  Final
       presentation          printed  report due         due

Note:  Numbers in the reading list refer to chapter(s) in
the recommended textbook, e.g. 1,2 in the reading list for
September 9, means Chapter 1 and 2 of Kerr's book.

Link to classes

  1. IRM concept and overview
  2. IS/IT environment
  3. IT Planning
  4. budgeting for IS/IT
  5. project management
  6. project management in IS
  7. performance measurement
  8. quality management
  9. quality in IS/IT
  10. Information Architecture
  11. IA & technology trends
  12. Human resources
  13. IS Organization


This page is maintained by Al Bento who can be reached at This page was last updated on August 27,1995. Although we will attempt to keep this information accurate, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.