Attribute VB_Name = "Loops" Option Explicit Dim Lower As Integer, Upper As Integer, Step As Integer, fahr As Single, celsius As Single, scelsius As String, sfahr As String, sec As String, thir As String Sub Main() Lower = 0 'lowest temperature Upper = 300 'highest temperature Step = 20 'increment step ' a simple while structure fahr = Lower Do While (fahr <= Upper) celsius = 5 / 9 * (fahr - 32) scelsius = CStr(celsius) sfahr = CStr(fahr) MsgBox " Fahrenheit " + sfahr + " has as equivalent in Celsius: " + scelsius fahr = fahr + Step Loop sec = InputBox("Do you want to see the second alternative? Yes, or No") If (sec = "Yes" Or sec = "yes") Then Second MsgBox "This is it folks!" End Sub Sub Second() ' a simple until structure fahr = Lower Do Until (fahr > Upper) celsius = 5 / 9 * (fahr - 32) scelsius = CStr(celsius) sfahr = CStr(fahr) MsgBox " Fahrenheit " + sfahr + " has as equivalent in Celsius: " + scelsius fahr = fahr + Step Loop End Sub