Kali in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

  1. Install Kali tools
    1. sudo su -
    2. apt update && apt upgrade    (do now not to be done after Kali install)
    3. apt install nginx   (a web server used in some Kali tools)
    4. which git   (if not installed apt install git)
    5. git clone https://github.com/LionSec/katoolin.git && cp katoolin/katoolin.py /usr/bin/katoolin    (copies katoolin)
    6. chmod +x /usr/bin/katoolin
    7. katoolin         (start script to download Kali tools)
    8. select  1. Add Kali  repositories & Update
    9. select  2. View categories 
    10. Select each category one at a time  and select  0 to install all tools of each category, use back to go to another category (do not install all categories all at once with global 0)
    11. when all is done type gohome and  select 3 Install classicmenu indicator
    12. finally select 4 Install Kali Menu
    13. Press Control C to end Kali tools installation
  2. Background and menu setup
    1. get background from  http://oswallpapers.com/kali-linux-2017-1-default-desktop-wallpapers/
    2. right-click and select Set as Desktop Background
    3. reboot  Ubuntu-Kali and the Menu should appear as  three short lines with down arrow to the top, left of date.nothing
    4. Select ClassicMenuIndicator
    5. Select Preferences,
    6. Then Settings tab at top, turn off "Add extra/Wine menus", Apply
  3. Add root as user, remove guest (Kali tools require root)
    1. sudo passwd root   (this will ask to set root password, enter password)
    2. sudo passwd -u root (this will unlock root account)
    3. nano  /root/.profile   and add   tty -s && in front of the line mesg n  to look like tty -s && mesg n
    4. nano  /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and add the following lines
    5. [SeatDefaults]
    6. reboot and you will see a area with Login enter the username root, then password.
The following image shows how it may look like depending what you choose to have in the Ubuntu launchpad.

Kali Desktop in Ubuntu

This page is maintained by Al Bento who can be reached at abento@ubalt.edu. This page was last updated on November 1, 2017. Although we will attempt to keep this information accurate, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.