
HTML for a student home page template



<HEAD><TITLE>yourname home page.</TITLE></HEAD>


<center><IMG ALIGN=CENTER SRC=yourpict.gif></center>

<center><H3>Your name<BR>

street address<BR>

City and zip<BR>phone:(410)9999999<BR>

email: </H3></center><HR>

<H2>Biographical Information</H2>

Jacel Doe is a business administration graduating senior,<A HREF=> Merrick School of Business</A>, <A HREF=>University of Baltimore</A>, majoring in information systems. S/he is a native Baltimorean and has travelled frequently to the Bahamas in the Winter.


<H2>Educational background</H2> Jacel has attended the following schools:


<LI>Kitcat Elementary, Salem, MA 19701975

<LI>Wildwest Middle, Frontier, CA 19761980

<LI>Always High, Dope, MD 19811983

<LI>Merrick School, Baltimore, MD 1983 on


<P>This has prepared her/him to work as systems engineer, programmer and enduser systems support.

<H2>Work experience</H2> Jacel has worked at:


<LI>Dancing Monkeys, Inc., <STRONG>Stage manager</STRONG>, from 03/94 to 09/94.

<LI>Lovely Corral, <STRONG>Equinus Analyst</STRONG>, from 09/94 to date.


<H2>Hobbies and interests</H2>Jacel is famous for his/her partygoing interests, in addition to swimming, baking in the sun, and weekend wakeup late activities.

<P>References available on request, but please do not ask ...


<P>This page is maintained by Jacel Doe who can be reached at <A

HREF="" ></A>

This page was last updated on March17,1995. Although I will attempt to keep this information accurate, I can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.</P>

