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Biographical Information

Jacel Doe is a business administration graduating senior, Merrick School of Business, University of Baltimore, majoring in information systems. S/he is a native Baltimorean and has travelled frequently to the Bahamas in the Winter.

Educational background

Jacel has attended the following schools:

This has prepared her/him to work as systems engineer, programmer and end-user systems support.

Work experience

Jacel has worked at:

Hobbies and interests

Jacel is famous for his/her partygoing interests, in addition to swimming, baking in the sun, and week-end wake-up late activities.

References available on request, but please do not ask ...

This page is maintained by Jacel Doe who can be reached at This page was last updated on March 5, 2011. Although I will attempt to keep this information accurate, I can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.