Color Background - 11 selected colors

There are too many colors to choose from for background. I use only eleven of them. Colors one to five provide very good readability. Use sparingly the others, for they are too bright as background. The general format of the background color tag is:

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#5500EE" vlink="#FF0100" alink="#551A8B">

Color bgcolor text link vlink alink
01 FFFFFF 000000 5500EE FF0100 EDEDD8
02 FFFFFA 000000 5500EE FF0100 551A8B
03 EDEDD8 000000 5500EE FF0100 551A8B
04 FFCC66 000000 5500EE FF0100 551A8B
05 FFCC33 000000 5500EE FF0100 551A8B
06 FF9966 000000 5500FF FF0100 551A8B
07 66CCFF 000000 5500EE FF0100 551A8B
08 57FFF0 000000 5500EE FF0100 551A8B
09 0000EE FFFFFF FF0000 FFFF00 551A8B
10 FFCCCC 000000 5500EE FF0100 551A8B
11 FF0000 FFFFFF 5500EE FF0100 551A8B

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