Honors Leadership Seminar



Dr. Barry Brownstein



Reserve your place in the course.

This course will forever influence how you view leadership and your own professional development. The course draws on state-of-the-art ideas from management, psychology, complexity sciences, quantum physics and the perennial spiritual wisdom.

These are just some of the topics that will be covered. All topics will facilitate organizational and personal transformation:       


      Simplifying and Pivoting Towards Your "True Calling"


    The "Inner-Side" of Leadership


    Language and Change


      Dialogue: A Tool on the Journey


  Fragmented Thinking, Fragmented Leadership


  Utilizing Organizational Intelligence


  Freedom and Engagement in Your Organization


  Leadership in a Complex System


  Creativity and Innovation


  The Process of Change

Books selected fun to read state-of-the-art books by practitioners. None are textbooks and all will be inexpensively available from Amazon and other on-line sellers. Such books as "The Heart Aroused" by David Whyte; "Leadership and the New Science" by Margaret Wheatley; and "Dialogue: Rediscover the Transforming Power of Conversation" by Linda Ellinor and Glenna Gerard will be books that will be part of your permanent library.

This is truly a course that you cannot afford to miss. Here is just some of what my students have said about this material:


   "We all have a few courses from high school, college, and/or grad school that stick with us over time, haunt us even. These classes, whether because of the passion of the teacher or the vibrancy of the material, continue to feed us years after we have taken them. This was just such a class for me and for many of my fellow students."


  "Wow!  That’s how I would describe how the insights that I’ve gained from this experience have affected me.  I say “experience”, because this has not been the normal course – it has been an "experience". An experience that I have enjoyed and will always remember." 


   "The course material is so useful and so relevant…This course is amazing and the most important course that I have taken at UB. The theory behind your teaching was quite evident in the way the material was presented, the readings organized, and the group component directed.  You demonstrated your leadership in this case by feeling the obligation “to help the whole class (organization) look at itself, to be reflective and learningful about our (its) activities and decisions."


  "I have truly enjoyed this course.  It has caused much reflection and soul searching.  I am now re-evaluating my life, where I am and my values… The concepts and theories can be used in business as well as throughout my life."  


 "The concepts and issues that are being should be required for all business and organizational managers, at any level. As always, there will be those who defend the status quo and blindly accept historical paradigms and who cannot take an honest and 'fresh' look at the emerging nature of organizations, information and the transformation of managing in those changing environments."


  "I am truly grateful for what this course has taught me."


   "Thank you for the experience, words cannot express what I took away from this class… I cannot tell you the amount of growth and self knowledge your classes have brought to me."


   "This class was one of the hardest I've taken at UB.  By hard, I mean that it required me to use more of "me" than I've ever done before.  Now that the deadline pressure of the paper is done, I can reflect back on those weeks with a sense of wonder - at what I learned and at what I learned that I still don't know.  Thank you for that."


   "I found in this course what constitutes real success. A transformation that is a natural growth of the practice of soul-searching . A journeys into the inner self. The experience that was shared in class and in-groups were powerful and sometimes mysterious. This transformation is like planting a seed. There may be drum rolls brilliant flashes of light accompanying the planting of seeds, but the fruits that tell us transformation has taken place are the results of ongoing attention. Planting is the beginning. It is the work of tending the garden one-day at a time that allows the plants to mature and bear fruits."


   "I am currently doing strategic planning in health care.  This is an industry in conflict because the solutions to the problems are always the same, even though they always fail.  In the short time (18 months) I have been in the position, the department I work for has had the most positive results in its history.  Not one of the solutions had ever been tried before.  Moving honestly forward is risky.  Doing what is right, without the data to support the decision is risky.  I work as part of a team that knows how to dialogue, listen and does not offer judgment.  Our outcomes are successful…This was the course that had the greatest impact on my ability to lead in a forthright manner."


   "The principles we learned...temper my thinking everyday. I see my thinking (biases) (judgments) so much more clearly. Your thinking is fresh and genuine, practical and understandable. It is truly a different way to think about managing and business."


       "The synthesis and personal reflection involved in both courses are things that I have never really experienced before, certainly not in the science world where there is often no mention of the whole person. I have begun a process that is changing my view of life in general."


       "I have never participated in anything in life, let alone a class, which has touched the very core of my existence...With appreciation for affording me the opportunity of a lifetime."


       "I am using the ideas learned everyday at work. Your courses have truly revolutionized the way I think about work and self fulfillment." 


       "This stuff opens doors!... After most courses, one comes away with some food for thought. Mostly, unfortunately, it's just facts to store upstairs to be applied at some point in one's career. Your courses were much more. They didn't just supply facts to store and use at some point. Your courses turned on lights, opening up new ways to think and be... I'm proud to have taken them and feel I have a leg up on anyone without the benefit of exposure to these ideas."

This course is open to all students with at least a 3.5 GPA. To register or for more information contact:

Esther Materón-Arum
Honors Program Coordinator 

Thumel Business Center 429 
Phone: 410.837.6583 
Fax:     410.837.6736