Web Faculty Code of Values

Merrick School Of Business

University of Baltimore


*   We view students as at the very heart of our efforts. They are entitled to be treated with respect and courtesy at all times. We value their learning and satisfaction with the web experience.

*   Our courses are not self-study correspondence courses. They are well designed and thought out both in content and pedagogy. We strive to design and facilitate a vibrant Forum experience that provides at least as robust a learning environment as the classroom. We continually improve our pedagogical skills in order to do this.

*   Since we realize that our course content and course design are evolving, we are open to learning from our students' and colleagues' experiences. 

*   Students in the web program are entitled to prompt responses to their inquiries from faculty and administration.

*   The webMBA program is a professional program. Most students in the program are professionals with considerable experience and education. They attend our program because their career and life situation requires flexibility. Without compromising our course design or standards, we respond to students' legitimate requests for flexibility without prejudice or judgment.

*   We are present for our students. They not only can expect a quick response to an inquiry but also they know by our actions that we are reading their posts on the Forum on a continual basis. They receive meaningful feedback to their assignments and Forum work. Students should feel at least as well known by their Professor as in the classroom. When appropriate and possible we meet with students at our UB office.

*   At all times, how we communicate to students and the actions we take reflects these values.