M. N. S.  Sellers

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Mortimer Newlin Stead Sellers
Professor of Law
Director, Center for International and Comparative Law
University of Baltimore School of Law

Email: msellers@ubmail.ubalt.edu

Telephone: (410) 837-4532
Facsimile:  (410) 837-4396

Address:  Center for International and Comparative Law
                University of Baltimore School of Law
                1420 North Charles St.
                Baltimore, Maryland 21201-5779

Administrator:  Ms. Donna Pennepacker
       Email: dpennepacker@ubmail.ubalt.edu
       Telephone:  (410) 837-4882



B.C.L. (Civil Law), Oxford University, 1988
J.D. (Law), Harvard Law School, 1988, cum laude
D.Phil. (Literae Humaniores), Oxford University, 1986
A.B. (History), Harvard University, 1980, summa cum laude


The Sacred Fire of Liberty: Republicanism, Liberalism and the Law (Macmillan and NYU Press, 1998)

American Republicanism: Roman Ideology in the United States Constitution (Macmillan and NYU Press, 1994)


The New World Order: Sovereignty, Human Rights, and the Self-Determination of Peoples (editor) (Berg, 1996)

An Ethical Education: Community and Morality in the Multicultural University (editor) (Berg, 1994)


Baltimore Studies in Nationalism and Internationalism, Berg Press, Oxford, England and Washington, D.C.


Co-Editor, International Legal Theory, Publication of the International Legal Theory Interest Group of the American Society of International Law

Associate Editor, American Journal of Comparative Law


"Republicanism (Philosophical Aspects)" to appear in the International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Elsevier)

"Republican Theory" in Christopher B. Gray, ed.
The Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia (Garland, 1999)

"Separatism and the Democratic Entitlement in International Law" in 92 Proceedings of the American Society of International Law 116 (1998)

"Republican Legal Systems" in Ralf Dreier, Carla Faralli, and Vladik S. Nersessiants, eds. Law and Politics Between Nature and History 205 (Bologna, 1998)

"Princípios republicanos de direito internacional" in 4 Notícia do Direito Brasileiro (Nova Serie) 249 (1997)

"Republicanism, Liberalism and the Law" in 86 Kentucky Law Journal 1 (1997)

"Republican Principles in International Law" in 11 The Connecticut Journal of International Law 403 (1996)

"Republican Liberty" in Gabriël Moens and Suri Ratnapala, eds., The Jurisprudence of Liberty 14 (Butterworths, 1996)

"The Actual Validity of Law" in 37 American Journal of Jurisprudence 283 (1992)

"Republican Authority" in 5 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 257 (1992)

"Republican Impartiality" in 11 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 273 (1991)

"The Anglo-Irish Agreement" in 27 Harvard International Law Journal 706 (1986)


"Justice and the Rule of Law in International Relations" to appear in 5(1) International Legal Theory (1999)

"The Right to Republican Government under International Law" in 4(2) International Legal Theory 44 (1998)

"Analysis of the Draft Constitution for the Republic of Albania" prepared for the Constitutional Commission of Albania through the ABA/Central and East European Law Initiative and Submitted August 31, 1998

"Why States are Bound by Customary International Law" in 4(1) International Legal Theory 22 (1998)

"Analysis of the Draft Code of Ethics for Advocates" prepared for the Union of Advocates of Ukraine through the ABA/Central and East European Law Initiative and submitted June 19, 1998

"Analysis of the Draft Code or Fundamental Law of the Gagauz Republic of Moldova" prepared for the Constitutional Drafting Committee of Gagauzia through the ABA/Central and East European Law Initiative and submitted March 26, 1998

"Think of Your Latin When Hurling Accusations" in the National Law Journal, A19, February 9, 1998

"International Economic Organization" in 3(2) International Legal Theory 46 (1997)

"Basic Elements of Legislative Structure" prepared for the Constitutional Drafting Committee of Albania through the ABA/Central and East European Law Initiative and submitted December 18, 1997

"International Law and International Relations" in 3(1) International Legal Theory 9 (1997)

"The Sources of International Law" in 2(2) International Legal Theory 53 (1996)

"Analysis of the Draft Constitution for the Republic of Belarus" prepared for the Constitutional Court of Belarus through the ABA/Central and East European Law Initiative and submitted October 15, 1996

"Analysis of the Draft Constitution for the Republic of Ukraine," prepared for the Ukrainian Parliament through the ABA/Central and East European Law Initiative and submitted July 1, 1996

"The Effectiveness of International Law" in 2(1) International Legal Theory 32 (1996)

"Analysis of the Draft Constitution for the Republic of Albania", prepared for the Albanian Parliament through the ABA/Central and East European Law Initiative and submitted December 20, 1995

"The Law of Humanity and the Law of Nations" 1 International Legal Theory 22 (1995)

"Nationalism and Internationalism" in 95 Newsletter of the American Philosophical Association 123 (1995)

"American Republicanism" in Kenneth W. Thompson, ed. Great American Presidents vol. I, 207 (1995)

"Term Limits for Senate Thwart Founders' Plan" in the National Law Journal, April 3, 1995

"Analysis of the Draft Constitution for the Republic of Tajikistan", prepared for the Tajikistan government through the ABA/Central and East European Law Initiative and submitted October 17, 1994

"Redraw That New Legislative Map" in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Saturday, January 4, 1992


Review of Quentin Skinner, Liberty before Liberalism (Cambridge, 1998) in 19 Philosophy in Review 162 (1999)

Review of Alfred P. Rubin, Ethics and Authority in International Law (Cambridge, 1997) in 12 Emory International Law Review 101 (1998)

"The Republican Manifesto", review article of Philip Pettit, Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government, (Oxford, 1997) in 39 Santa Clara Law Review 355 (1998)

Review of M.H. Hoeflich, Roman and Civil Law and the Development of Anglo-American Jurisprudence in the Nineteenth Century, (Athens, Georgia, 1997) to appear in the American Journal of Legal History (1998)

"Another Philadelphia Story", review of Buzz Bissinger, A Prayer for the City in The Washington Post (Book World, p.8, February 1, 1998)

"Upholding the Statutes of Liberty", review of Norman Cantor, Imagining the Law: Common Law and the Foundations of the American Legal System, in The Washington Post (Book World, p.3, December 28, 1997)

"Spirit of the Law", review of Jean Edward Smith, John Marshall: Definer of a Nation in The Washington Post (Book World, p. 3, March 16, 1997)

Review of Owen S. Ireland, Religion, Ethnicity, and Politics: Ratifying the Constitution in Pennsylvania in The Journal of American History 1383(March, 1997)

"From Classical to American Republicanism" review article of Paul A. Rahe Republics Ancients and Modern: Classical Republicanism and the American Revolution in 3 International Journal of the Classical Tradition 232 (1996)

Review of R.C. van Caenegem, An Historical Introduction to Western Constitutional Law in XL The American Journal of Legal History 517 (1996)

"Forming a More Perfect Union" review of Ronald Dworkin, Freedom's Law: The Moral Reading of the American Constitution in The Washington Post (Book World, p. 5, May 12, 1996)

"The Sage of Sensibility" review of Andrew Burstein, The Inner Jefferson: Portrait of a Grieving Optimist in The Washington Post (Book World, p. 1, December 24, 1995)

"The Wills of the People" review of Robert H. Wiebe, Self-Rule: A Cultural History of American Democracy in The Washington Post (Post Book World, p. 4, April 16, 1995) (also in the Manchester Guardian Weekly, June 18, 1995, p. 16)

Review of David N. Mayer, The Constitutional Thought of Thomas Jefferson, in 14 The Journal of the Early Republic 416 (1994)

"Seeking the Grandeur that was Rome" review of Carl Richard, The Founders and the Classics in The Washington Post (Book World, p. 1, July 3, 1994)

Review of Olga Tellegen-Couperus, A Short History of Roman Law, in 28 American Journal of Legal History 109 (1994)

Review of Alan Diamond (ed.), The Victorian Achievement of Sir Henry Sumner Maine in 27 American Journal of Legal History 520 (1993)

"Doing the Right Thing", review of James Q. Wilson, The Moral Sense in The Washington Post (Book World, p.2, August 1, 1993)

Review of Mario Torelli, Lavinio e Roma in 76 Journal of Roman Studies 198 (1986)


University of Baltimore School of Law
Professor of Law, 1997-present
Associate Professor of Law, 1994-1997
Assistant Professor of Law, 1989-1994

Center for International and Comparative Law
Director, 1994-present

Hoffberger Center for Professional Ethics
Senior Fellow, 1994-present
Co-Director, 1991-1994
Fellow, 1990-1991

U.S. Court of Appeals, Honorable James Hunter, III
Judicial Clerk, Third Circuit, 1988-1989

University College, Oxford
Frank Knox Fellow, 1987-1988

Harvard College
Tutor in Law and Teaching Fellow in Literature and the Arts, 1985-1987

University and Wolfson Colleges, Oxford
Rhodes Scholar, 1980-1985


Jurisprudence, International Law, Legal History, Constitutional Law, Roman Law, Professional Ethics, Property


U.S.I.A. Grant, Brazil/United States Administration of Justice Project, Project Director, 1998-present

U.S.I.A. Grant, Legal Education in Ukraine Project, Project Director, 1996-present

University of Maryland System Grant, Project Director
Maryland Ethics Colloquium (1993-1994)

Maryland Humanities Council Grant, Project Director,
"Ethics in the University" (1992)

Frank Knox Fellow of Harvard University (1987-1988)

T.H. Greene Scholar of Oxford University (1983)

Rhodes Scholar (1980-1983)


Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, District of Columbia, U.S. District of Maryland, U.S. District of New Jersey, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, United States Supreme Court