WebTycho Online Courseware

WebTycho is the widely used courseware, which serves as a platform to deliver your Web-based courses. The site provides an introduction to understand the basics of and working with the WebTycho. Browsing your courses will help improving your familiarity and as a result increases the effectiveness and efficiency in learning process of the course material.

Professor Hossein Arsham   


  1. Administrative Preparation & Access Account(s)
  2. Log-In and Your Settings
  3. Welcome WebTycho
  4. The WebTycho Classroom
  5. Getting Ready/Setting Up
  6. Syllabus
  7. Course Content
  8. Conferences
  9. Respond to a Conference Note
  10. Assignment Folder
  11. Turn in an Assignment
  12. How to Attach a File
  13. Portfolio
  14. Class Members
  15. Optional Features
  17. The WebTycho Classroom: Faculty View
  18. Create Class Announcements
  19. Create Course Content
  20. Gradebook: Create an Assignment
  21. Gradebook: Grade an Assignment
  22. Gradebook: Export to Microsoft Excel

To search the site, try Edit | Find in page [Ctrl + f]. Enter a word or phrase in the dialogue box, e.g. "listing" or "discussion" If the first appearance of the word/phrase is not what you are looking for, try Find Next.

Administrative Preparation & Access Account(s)

Access to WebTycho: At the time you enroll in at least one online course, you will be given a WebTycho login account. This account is good for accessing all your current online courses. After you log in further help is available by accessing the online menu. If you have difficulties accessing WebTycho, or have technical questions, please contact our online technical experts: Terry Ross at tross@ubalt.edu.

Access to UB Network: While you are at UB campus wishing to use any terminal at any computer labs anywhere within the campus, then you need to have also an NT Account. You may obtain this network training free-of-charge from the front desk of the main computer lab located in the lower level of Business Center.

Your username and password are the same. Your username is your first initial plus the entire last name, all in lowercase (e.g., "jsmith").

Log-In and Your Settings

To login, go to https://usa1.tycho.ubalt.edu/sys/ublogin.html?/WebTycho.nsf&0

Usernames are the first name AND last name as a single string; passwords are the last name ONLY

Your WebTycho username is identical to your MyUB (Peoplesoft) username. Your initial WebTycho password has been set to the last four digits of your 7-digit University of Baltimore ID number.

You may also contact WebTycho support 24/7/365 to request your login and password information at tychosupport@ubalt.edu or 1-866-267-9868. You will be asked to verify two pieces of information about your account. For example, date-of-birth or home address.

Once you have entered the course page (portal), you will see "Classes" as the first link on the top of the page, click on this link.

Welcome WebTycho Online Courseware

Tycho Brahe was a Danish astronomer of the 16th Century, but he died in 1601. Tycho’s achievement was not so much the discovery of new stars (the telescope was not used for astronomical purposes until 1609 by Galileo), but the extremely precise recording of the motions of the planets. This data was gathered using (non-telescopic) instruments Tycho designed himself, and the data were so good that they enabled Kepler to discover a few years after Tycho’s death that Mars’s orbit is elliptical rather than circular. Tycho is also famous for inventing a cosmology (the "geo-heliocentric system") which was a viable alternative to the Copernican theory until Newton’s theory of gravity was established.

This orientation is designed to help you become familiar with WebTycho and online learning with us. You will visit key areas of the online classroom. During this orientation, you will be able to read about each area; you will not be able to actually use the function. Plan to spend about a half an hour, although it may take you less time than that.

Let's get started.

The WebTycho Classroom

Review the screen on this page to become familiar with the main sections of the WebTycho classroom.


The Help and Support site provides the user with an online technical manual. Use this site whenever you have questions about a WebTycho function


Don’t work in a vacuum. If you have technical questions or concerns, help is just a mouse click or a phone call away. Each time you use a new feature, check the Help and Support site to see the best practices.

How to Use

  1. At the top of the screen in the WebTycho classroom, locate and click the button labeled Help.
  2. Click Help and Support Site.
  3. Click any link to read the topic.

Where to find more information Select Help and Support Site from the Help Menu

Getting Ready/Setting Up


Before using WebTycho, be sure that you have met all the technical requirements. The Help and Support site provides technical information and requirements at: Setting Up.


Hardware specifications and software versions are upgraded on a regular basis. Consult this site to determine whether the versions you are using are compatible with WebTycho.

How to Use

  1. At the top of the screen in the WebTycho classroom, locate and click the button labeled Help.
  2. Click Help and Support Site
  3. Click on Setting Up to view the Step by Step Checklist. Click on Computer to view the specific technical requirements for using WebTycho.

Where to find more information Help and Support Site , Setting Up , Technical Requirements



The syllabus is your course guide. It contains an official course description, pertinent academic policies, and other materials posted by your faculty member.

How to Use

  1. On the left-hand side of the WebTycho classroom, click Syllabus
  2. Click any link to read the topic.

Where to find more information Help and Support Site , User Guide , Syllabus

Course Content


The Course Content function provides students with a variety of materials including modules, lectures, and other documents.


The Course Content contains a Read Me First file that provides you with an approach to online learning and tips for success.

How to Use

  1. On the left-hand side of the WebTycho classroom, click Course Content
  2. Click any link to read the topic.

Where to find more information Help and Support Site , User Guide , Content



Conferencing is the "heart" of the WebTycho classroom. It is here that discussions are held on assigned course material. The faculty member provides a topic for discussion, students respond, and a dialogue occurs.


The conferences are set up to help you better understand a specific aspect of the course. Taking part in the discussion will lead to a better understanding of the topic.

How to Use

  1. On the left-hand side of the WebTycho classroom, click Conferences
  2. Click any link to read a topic.
  3. A red star is displayed beside a conference title as well as a topic title to indicate that there are unread notes in the conference.

Where to find more information Help and Support Site , User Guide , Conferences (About)

Respond to a Conference Note


Responding to a conference topic begins the process of discussion and participation in the virtual classroom.


Always remember your conference responses are seen by all class members, both faculty and students alike. Read the topic carefully and prepare your response accordingly, incorporating knowledge gleaned from assigned readings and/or research.

How to Use

  1. From a topic in a conference click the Respond button located at the bottom of the screen.
  2. In the small textbox after the word title, type in the name of your response.
  3. In the large textbox, type in your response. Click the Submit button located at the bottom of the screen.

Where to find more information Help and Support Site , User Guide , Conferences (Using)

Assignment Folder


Students submit their assignments to the instructor through their Assignment Folder. Once an instructor grades an assignment, it disappears from the Assignment Folder and reappears in the student's Portfolio.

How to Use

  1. On the left-hand side of the WebTycho classroom, click Assignments Folder
  2. Click on the assignment title link.

Where to find more information Help and Support Site , User Guide , Assignments

Turn in an Assignment


Students turn in an assignment by its due date as outlined in the Syllabus and in the Assignment Folder.


During the attachment process, you will need to browse your computer to locate your assignment. Save your completed assignment as a file in a place what will be easy to find.

How to Use

  1. On the left-hand side of the WebTycho classroom, click Assignments Folder
  2. Click the appropriate assignment title link.
  3. Type, copy or paste, or attach a file
  4. Click Submit.

Where to find more information
Help and Support Site , User Guide , Assignments
Help and Support Site , Using Text , Attaching Files

How to Attach a File

The basic instructions are the same for attaching files in all eligible areas of WebTycho, including Conferences, Assignments, Study Groups, Webliography, Course Content (faculty only), and Syllabus Course Schedule (faculty only).
  1. After entering the title and brief text into appropriate text boxes, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see (Optional) Attach File(s).
  2. Click the Add Attachments button. This function will open an Attachments window, which will allow you to look for your file.
  3. Click Browse and find your file on your computer.
  4. Click Attach File. Wait for the file name to appear below before you attach another file or click Continue.
  5. After you see all of your files listed below, click Continue.
  6. On the next page, click Submit



The Portfolio is a built-in record keeping system that provides the student with documentation of assignment submissions, grades and conference participation.


Use the Portfolio to check on how you are doing in the class including assignments submitted, grades received and conference participation.

How to Use

  1. On the left-hand side of the WebTycho classroom, click Portfolio
  2. Scroll down to view your record.

Where to find more information Help and Support Site , User Guide , Portfolio

Class Members


This feature provides a list of all students, faculty, teaching assistants, and visitors in the class, as well as links to each class member's e-mail address and biography (if available).


Use this feature to send an individual e-mail to your faculty member or other classmates.

How to Use

On the left-hand side of the WebTycho classroom, click Class Members

Where to find more information Help and Support Site , User Guide , Class Members

Optional Features


Your faculty member may choose to use any of the following features:

Reserved Readings: Faculty may post read-only online documents for student viewing.

Study Groups: Collaborative work among class members in small groups.

Webliography: Students and faculty may compile a list of web sites relevant to the class.

Workbook: Use this space to create drafts, outlines, and preliminary work for your own reference, or to share with faculty.

Chat Room: Participate in synchronous (real time) discussions.

How to Use

On the left-hand side of the WebTycho classroom, click the link to access the feature.

Where to find more information: Help and Support Site , User Guide



Use Options to update your Account Preferences, view this Orientation, or create your Biography. Under Account Preferences, you can customize your classroom settings, change your password and update your e-mail account.

How to Use

From the main screen in the WebTycho classroom, click on the Options button located at the top of the screen.

Where to find more information: Account Preferences: Help Site , Setting Up , Account Preferences

My Biography: Help and Support Site , Setting Up , Biography

The WebTycho Classroom: Faculty View

The Faculty version of the WebTycho classroom includes tools that allow you to create and manage course content, conferences, and assignments. Faculty Center Purpose

The Faculty Center provides access to all classroom management tools from a single location. These tools allow you to create and manage content as well as control student access to various areas of the classroom. Students do not have access to the Faculty Center.


Not only is this your main control panel for the classroom, but there are also links to valuable faculty resources, including software, services and guides.

How to Use

Click Faculty Center on the Class Menu

Where to find more information: Help and Support Site , Faculty Guide , Faculty Center

Create Class Announcements


The announcements area is the first thing students see each time they enter your classroom. It allows you to welcome students during the first week, update students on a weekly basis, and provide important and timely information and motivational messages.


Always add a date at the beginning of your announcements to alert students to the fact that something new has been posted.
If you want to add formatting but you don't know HTML, consider using the Text Formatting Editor (TFE). See the WebTycho Help Site for more information.

How to Use

  1. Click Class Announcements in the upper left corner of the screen.
  2. Click Edit this Class Announcement.
  3. Select Plain Text or HTML.
  4. Type or paste the class announcement in the large text box.
  5. Click Submit.
You can also edit class announcements in the Faculty Center.

Where to find more information
Help and Support Site , Faculty Guide , Announcements

Create Course Content


You can manage (create, edit, or delete) course content. You can also control when your content is available to students and how it is displayed. Links to the content you create appear on the Class Menu under the section titled Course Content. There are two ways to create content for your course:

  1. Create Text allows you to type, paste in, and attach content, including hyperlinks.
  2. Create URL is used when the content (your own or that of a third party) exists on an external website or CD ROM and you want to link to it.


If you want to add formatting but you don't know HTML, consider using the Text Formatting Editor (TFE). See the Faculty Guide for more information.

How to Use

From the Faculty Center:

  1. Click the Manage link next to Course Content.
  2. Click Create Text.
  3. Type a title for the content in the Link Text box. (this title becomes the link that students see)
  4. Select Plain Text or HTML.
  5. Type or paste content.
  6. Attach files if necessary.
  7. Select Open in New Window setting.
  8. Select Make Link Visible to Students setting.
  9. Click Submit

Where to find more information:

Create a Conference


The Conferences area is the center of classroom interaction, whether faculty-student or student-student in nature. The Conferences area can be used for discussion, posting of assignments, debates, presentation of student projects, etc. Students cannot create conferences.


Plan to create and release conferences to facilitate interaction throughout the course.
Use a consistent system for conference titles. Adding dates to the title may help students manage their time.

How to Use

From the Faculty Center:

  1. Click the Manage link next to Conferences.
  2. Click Create Conference.
  3. Type a Title. (Titles are limited to 75 characters. Do not use HTML tags in a title box.)
  4. Select a Students Can setting. The default is Read and Write.
  5. Briefly describe the purpose of the conference in the Policy Note box. (Policy notes are limited to 4000 characters).
  6. Select a Make Link Visible to Students setting.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. Click OK. The title of your newly created conference appears in the Conferences area of the Class Menu.

Where to find more information: Help and Support Site , Faculty Guide , Conferences

Gradebook: Create an Assignment


The gradebook allows you to create a complete record of graded activites (including assignments submitted through the Assignment Folder, conference participation, projects, exams, etc.).You can use the gradebook to:

Students cannot see the Gradebook. Grades entered in the Gradebook automatically appear in student Portfolios.


All graded activities (including conferences, class participation, exams etc.) are referred to as "assignments" in the gradebook.

How to Use

To create an assignment from the Faculty Center:

  1. Click the Manage link next to Gradebook.
  2. Click Create Assignment
  3. Type an Assignment Title
  4. Type a Tab Heading
  5. Select Assignment Type
  6. Select a Grading Method —Letter Grades, Pass/Fail, Percentage, or Points. If you select Points, type how many total points may be earned for this assignment. (100 points is the default setting but you may enter any number you choose.)
  7. Type an Assignment Weight.
  8. To create a Due Date, select Yes. Then specify the date using the drop-down boxes.
  9. Select an Assignment Folder setting.
  10. Select additional settings as appropriate. To lock the assignment on a certain date, select Yes. Then specify the date using the drop-down boxes.
    • Type instructions for students.
    • Add notes to yourself or TAs
  11. Click Submit
  12. Click OK.

Where to find more information: Help and Support Site , Faculty Guide , Gradebook

Gradebook: Grade an Assignment


When you use the Gradebook to enter grades and provide feedback, students can track their progress throughout the course. You also create a permanent electronic record of grades and feedback. You and your academic administrator can access this record in the case of a grading dispute or discrepancy. Once the Gradebook has been populated, it can be used to automatically calculate final grades. This eliminates a level of human error that can come into play when calculating and recording grades manually.


You can attach files if you want to send students more lengthy comments or return marked-up assignments.

How to Use

  1. Click Gradebook in the Class Menu.
  2. Click the tab for the assignment you want to grade.
  3. Next to the student you want to grade, click View.
  4. Click the link at the bottom of the page to view the assignment.
  5. Close the assignment when you are finished with your review.
  6. Click Assign Grade.
  7. Type a grade.
  8. Enter additional information, if desired.
    • Type brief comments or feedback to the student. More than a few sentences should be uploaded as a file attachment.
    • Type brief notes, comments or instructions to yourself or your TAs. These notes remain hidden from student view.
    • Attach files with additional comments.
  9. Click Submit.

Where to find more information: Help and Support Site , Faculty Guide , Gradebook , Assign Grades

Gradebook: Export to Microsoft Excel


The Gradebook should not be your sole record of student grades and feedback—you should create a backup file. One way to do this is to use Microsoft Excel.


Changes to the Excel file are not automatically updated in the Gradebook—you have to go back into WebTycho and manually add the changes. Similarly, changes to the Gradebook are not automatically updated in the Excel file. To keep the Excel file up-to-date, you must re-export the Gradebook.

How to Use

Follow the instructions below, based on your Internet browser. Internet Explorer Netscape Communicator

  1. Select table cells in any Gradebook table. DO NOT select the table tabs
  2. Select Edit, then Copy.
  3. Open Excel.
  4. Place your cursor in the uppermost left corner of the worksheet.
  5. Select Edit, then Paste.

Where to find more information: Help and Support Site , Faculty Guide , Gradebook , Export

The Copyright Statement: The fair use, according to the 1996 Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia, of materials presented on this Web site is permitted for non-commercial and classroom purposes only.
This site may be mirrored intact (including these notices), on any server with public access, and linked to other Web pages. All files are available at http://home.ubalt.edu/ntsbarsh/courseware for mirroring.

Kindly e-mail me your comments, suggestions, and concerns. Thank you.

Professor Hossein Arsham   

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