Arts & Ideas cultivates reading skills by sharing concerns and sensibilities of people within specific cultures at specific times. Arts and Ideas complements a course by that title at the University of Baltimore.   Syllabus Readings Telling Stories I Fighting Trojans Homer: The Iliad Gods  The Trojan War Time Line Bullfinch Britannica Durant     II Building Athens Tragedy Aeschylus: The Agamemnon Aristotle: Poetics History Herodotus: Gyges   Croesus Thucydides: Pericles Plutarch: Pericles  Lycurgus Solon Philosophy Aristotle:  Pride   Magnanimity   Metaphysics Poetics Plato:  The Symposium Light   The Parable of the Cave  The Divided Line Heraclitus: Fragments Zeno: Paradoxes III Illuminating Love Medieval Lyrics Chaucer: Troilus and Criseyde Middle English Troilus and Criseyde Capellanus: The Art of Courtly Love St Augustine: Confessions Innocent III: On Misery   IV Distinguishing Perspectives Pico della Mirandola: On Dignity Machiavelli: The Prince Botticelli's Florence Titian's Venice Shakespeare: Othello   V Mapping Directions Bacon: The New Organon Galileo: The Starry Messenger Harvey: The Motion of the Heart Darwin: Evolution   VI Creating Self & Society Blake Songs of Innocence  Songs of Experience  The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Goya