Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel Baltimore, MD
April 30th - May 3rd, 2003

Baltimore is hosting the 40th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management (EAM), which will take place April 30th through May 3rd at the Sheraton Inner Harbor. As co-VPs for Local Arrangements, we are delighted to invite your organization to take advantage of this unique opportunity to interact with the opinion leaders in management education, who are key decision makers in the purchase of books, journals, software and other educational resources in their universities and corporations.

The Eastern is a regional professional association of the Academy of Management, a leading professional association for scholars dedicated to creating and disseminating knowledge about management and organizations. Founded in 1936, the Academy of Management is the oldest and largest scholarly management association in the world, and it serves as the professional home for 12,356 members from 85 nations. The Eastern Academy brings together over 700 faculty and management professionals from colleges, universities, and business organizations throughout 22 eastern states and several foreign countries. Our major event is our Annual Meeting, which averages an attendance of 300 members. For more information on EAM, please see http://mars.vnet.wnec.edu/eam/

By participating in the EAM Annual Meeting as an exhibitor, advertiser or sponsor, you will have a prime opportunity to reach the people who shape the future of management education, in a conference that's large enough to have a significant impact, and yet small enough to provide you high visibility. Here's how you can take advantage of this opportunity.


Single Table Presentation: $250

Double Table Presentation: $500

Exhibit your books, products, or services by renting an exhibit booth at this year's meeting. Exhibits will be located in the heart of the meeting room area, allowing for easy access and consistent traffic. Exhibitors will be listed in the Program and in the meeting's website. As in the past, the EAM offers a discounted conference registration rate for your company representatives. This fee ($65) helps defer the cost of non-exhibit area expenses, including meals, breaks, receptions, and a program and registration package.

Exhibit space will be allocated beginning March 15, 2003. Exhibitors who are also sponsors will be given priority. Space allocation for regular exhibitors will continue on a first-come basis, until all booths are sold.


There are two options for advertising in the printed material that reaches all of the attendees:

  1. The EAM Program: Registrants use the program as their main information source and guide before and during the conference for session information and room locations. Given the continued use of the program, this provides and easy and economical way to promote upcoming product releases, to provide broader product information, or to present a more general introduction of your company’s products/services.
  2. One- full-page ad: $ 200

    Additional full page: $150

    One half-page ad: $150

    The deadline for all advertising copy is March 15th.


  3. A Registration Packet is given to all registrants on arrival at the conference. They typically browse through this supplemental material when they first arrive and during breaks. The packet provides a good opportunity to provide participants with detailed information about your books, products and services. Detailed brochures and color displays are more suitable for packet inclusions. This is an excellent opportunity for exhibitors to provide information aimed at attracting conference participants to visit their display and talk with their representatives.

To insert pre-printed materials in the registration packet: $ 150

The deadline for Registration Packet materials is April 1st.

Conference Sponsors

All sponsors will be acknowledged in the program and meeting website, and identified prominently on signs displayed during the break. If you are an exhibitor as well, a sign will be available for you to display at your table throughout the conference. This provides an opportunity for your company to go the extra mile in showing your support of the valuable work that the EAM does.

Sponsorship Levels

Morning Coffee Break (Thurs., Fri., or Sat.): $ 500

Afternoon Refreshments (Thurs. or Friday): $ 1,000

Corporate Sponsor1 :$ 1,500

Symposium Sponsor2 :$ 2,000

Distinguished Sponsor3 :$ 5,000

    1. Corporate Sponsors receive a half-page advertisement allowance in the program, and free conference registration for one company representative.
    2. Symposium sponsors receive the opportunity to co-develop and participate in a "showcase" 2-3 speaker presentation, which will appear as part of the general conference program. Presentation themes must be in accord with the EAM mission and should be appropriate to the conference theme. This is an excellent way to have a direct audience with conference attendees. Symposium sponsorship includes a half-page advertisement allowance in the conference program and free conference registration for two company representatives.
    3. Distinguished sponsors are given special acknowledgment as the sponsor of either one of the traditional big events of the EAM conference: the Thursday evening keynote address/opening night reception or the Friday President’s luncheon. Distinguished sponsors are given, if they wish, a short speaking opportunity to introduce the events and full participation in other conference marketing opportunities. These include: special signage at the sponsored event and on the event website, front-page recognition as conference co-host, a full-page program advertisement (prime placement), and a registration package insert, and complimentary one table space in the exhibitor’s exposition. Also included is conference registration for five company representatives.

The deadline for becoming a sponsor is March 1stFebruary 20th.

For more information and to make arrangements to become an exhibitor, advertiser or sponsor, please contact either one of us at the addresses and numbers below.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,


Regina F. Bento, M.D., Ph.D.

Jeffrey A. Mello, Ph.D.

EAM co-VP Local Arrangements

EAM co-VP Local Arrangements

Hatfield-Merrick Distinguished Professor

Professor and Chair, Dept. of Management

Merrick School of Business

College of Business & Economics

University of Baltimore

Towson University

1420 N. Charles Street

8000 York Road

Baltimore, MD 21201

Towson, MD 21252



(410) 837 5073

(410) 704 2934