PUAD 630: Syllabus 
PUAD 630: Analytical Techniques
Spring 2008, 3 credits

Instructors:   Thomas A. Darling, Ph.D.
(410) 837-6122 (o); tdarling@ubalt.edu
Academic Center, Suite 200
Dean's Office, Yale Gordon College
1420 N. Charles St.
University of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD  21201-5779
Laura Hussey, Ph.D.
1304 St. Paul St., Room 203
(410) 837-
6256 (o); lhussey@ubalt.edu
School of Public Affairs, Yale Gordon College
University of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD  21202-2786

Course Outline (Tentative)

  Lecture Assignment Due Wgt
Jan. 31 Spreadsheet Modeling / Course Intro Review Excel tutorial  
Feb. 7 More Spreadsheet Modeling Handout, Examples 2.1 & 2.2 1
Feb. 14 Benefit-Cost Handout, Examples 2.3 & 2.5 1
Feb. 21 Probability Review/Decision Trees Modeling Problem Set 1 2
Feb. 28 Value of Information/Bayes Rule Modeling Problem Set 2 2
Mar. 6 Catch Up Week/Decision Tree Presentations Decision Tree Case Memo & Model
Decision Tree Presentation
Mar. 13 More Decision Tree Presentations    
Mar. 20 Spring Break    
Mar. 27 Multi-Attribute Utility Model    
Apr. 3 Regression    
Apr. 10 More Regression/Assumptions MAU Model/Memo 4
Apr. 17 MAU Presentation  MAU Presentations 3
Apr. 24 More MAU Presentations/Forecasting    
May 1 More Forecasting Regression Problem Set 1 2
May 8 Even More Forecasting Regression Problem Set 2 2
May 15 No class Forecasting Problem Set 3

The 95% of your grade attributable to written assignments (including tutorial and projects) will be based on a total of 23 points -- 

When calculating the final grade, the instructors reserves the right to include (not drop) or exclude (drop) the grade from any assignment(s) that violate the University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Syllabus (Tentative)

January 31: Spreadsheet Modeling & Course Introduction

Reading Due

Assignment Due

February 7: More Spreadsheet Modeling (Models Over Time)

Reading Due

Assignments Due

February 14: Benefit-Cost Models

Readings Due

Assignment Due

February 21: Probability Review / Decision Trees

 Reading Due

Assignment Due

On Your Own

February 28: Value of Information / Bayes Rule

Reading Due

Assignments Due

March 6: Catch Up Week/Decision Tree Presentations

Assignments Due

March 13: More Decision Tree Presentations


March 27: Multi-Attribute Utility Models

Readings Due

Optional Reading

April 3: Regression

April 10: More Regression / Assumptions

Assignment Due

April 17: MAU Presentations

Assignment Due

April 24: More MAU Presentations / Forecasting

May 1: More Forecasting

May 8: Even More Forecasting

May 15: NO CLASS (assignments due)

Assignment Due