University of BaltimoreDivision of Applied Psychology and Quantitative Methods


        Seminar in Organizational Psychology

                  APPL 642.185 Fall 1998

last update: 9/16/98
Instructor: Tom Mitchell, Ph.D. 837-5348 Email: 
Home Page: URL
Office hrs:  Tuesday 4:30-5:30 PM; Wednesday / Thursday 12 - 1:30 PM;  Academic Center 209D

        Web board for spring, 1998  was:

Class:  Tuesdays  8:15 - 10:45 PM  in  Academic Center room 214


I. Descriptive Information

A. Catalog description: A critical examination of the interactive effects of personal and organizational variables on human behavior as reviewed in work group structure, accommodation to change, interpersonal perception, and problem solving behavior. Factors considered include emergent group leadership, managerial, motivational, and personality interactions.

B. Course description: Using motivation as a central concept, this course will provide the student with an in-depth understanding of how person and environmental factors interact to influence organizational behavior. Predominant motivational theories will be used to explain how group dynamics and cross-cultural influences affect motivation, and how attitudes toward the job and the organization relate to performance. Students will learn to apply motivational techniques to improve work performance and satisfaction.

II. Objectives of course:

To enable the student to:

(1) Analyze causes for organizational behavior and develop effective ways to improve work performance.

(2) Gain an experiential understanding of how group activity may facilitate or inhibit work performance.

(3) Improve their ability to work effectively with others to solve problems related to organizational behavior.

III. Class format: Assigned readings will be discussed. Ideas and conclusions generated from the discussions will be used by groups to solve problems presented in case studies. Case studies will be discussed in class and on WEB BOARD APPL 642 

IV. Text required:

Steers, R. M., & Porter, L.W., & Bigley, G. A.(1996). Motivation and Leadership at Work. 6th ed. McGraw Hill: New York

Harvard Case Studies (3)  (to be distributed in class for fee)

V. Assessment:

Exams: Two written essay exams (midterm and final) covering course content
            One written case report (or substitute graphic presentation such as PowerPoint)

             2 Exams (25% each)               50%
             1 Written Case Report            25 %   (or Graphic Presentation)
             Web Board Case Discussion   25%
                                TOTAL             100%

Grade Scale:         90-100 A;    85-89 B+;    80-84 B;   75-79 C+;     70 C

Instructions for Group Problem Solving of Cases (<click)

Group and Case assignments for Fa 1998

Information from Toronto on Group Dynamics/ teamwork

How to manage groups
Being a valuable group member
Running effective team meetings
Goups that work

Schedule of dates and assignments

class date  Chapters / Readings 

(1)   Sept 1   Chapter 1 Motivation and Leadership in Organizations (p. 2-7)
                     Discussion of syllabus / Group problem solving: Harvard cases
                     Assign groups for presentation of House & Aditya article
      Sept 4  *** Last date to apply for December Graduation ***

(2)  Sept 8     Chapter 2 Models of Work Motivation  (p.8)
                      (Komaki, et al.) Motivation as Implications of Reinforcement Theory (p. 34)
                      (Mowday) Equity theory predictions of Behavior in Organizations (p. 53)
(3)  Sept 15   (Cropanzano, Folger) Procedural Justice and Worker Motivation (p.72)
                      (Wood, Bandura) Social Cognitive theory of Organizational Management (p84)
                      (Locke, Latham) Goal Setting theory: An Introduction  (p.95)
(4) Sept 22  (Klein) An Integrated control Theory Model of Work Motivation (p.122)
                    Chapter 3 Models of leadership (p.166)
                    (Kirkpatrick, Locke) Leadership: Do Traits Matter? (p.186)
                    (Schriesheim, Neider) Leadership Theory and Development: ... "New Phase" 200

                           -> Case I Sedalia: Organize


                    Chapter  4 Social Influence and Power (p.276)
                    (Pfeffer) Understanding power in Organizations (p. 280)
                    (Eagly, Johnson) Gender and Leadership Style: A Meta-analysis (p.315)
                  ** Group activity: apply the steps for influence to Sedalia decisions: (p 293) see below
                  **  Administer / self-score the LOQ

                          -> Case I Sedalia:  Decide

(6) Oct 6
                  (Yukl, Falbe, Youn) Patterns of Influence Behavior for Managers (p.355)
                  (O'Reilly) Corporations, culture and Commitment: Motivation and Social Control (p.370)
                 Chapter 5 Job Attitudes and Employee Behavior (p. 383)
                 (Organ) A Restatement of the Satisfaction-Performance Hypothesis (p.386)

                             -> Case I Sedalia:  Present

                               ->  Case II First Federal:  Organize

(7) Oct 13   (Staw) Organizational Psychology and the Pursuit of the Happy/Productive worker (p.396)
                   (Rhodes, Steers) Major Causes of Absenteeism (p.

                                ->  Case II First Federal:  Decide

(8) Oct 20    Review articles for Midterm Exam

(9)   Oct 27                *** Midterm Exam ***

(10)  Nov  3  Chapter 6 Cross-Cultural Influences on Motivation and Leadership (p.422)
                   (Hofstede) Cultural Constraint in Management Theories  (p. 425)
                   (Lincoln) Employee work Attitudes and Mgt Practice in the U.S. & Japan (p.440)

                                  -> Case  II First Federal:  Present

                       Chapter 7 Reward Systems in Organization and Leadership Concepts (p.495)
                      (Kerr) On the Folly of Rewarding A, while Hoping for B (p.503)
                      (Pearce) Why Merit Pay Doesn't Work: Implications from Organizational Theory (p.519)
                      (Lawler) the Design of Effective Reward Systems (p. 527)

                                        -> Case  III Megalith:  Organize

(12)  Nov 17  Chapter 8 High-Involvement Management  (p. 565)
                       (Manz) Self-Leading Work Teams: Moving Beyond Self-Management Myths (p. 581)
                       Chapter 9 Leadership Challenges (p. 617)
                       (Kotter) What Leaders Really Do  (p. 620)

                                        -> Case III Megalith:  Decide

(13)  Nov  24    (Bass) From Transactional to Transformational leadership (p.628)
                          ( Bass, 1997) Does the transactional-transformational Leadership paradigm transcend
                         organizational and national boundaries? American Psychologist,  52, 0-139. (on reserve)
                          (Howell, Bowen, Dorfman) Substitutes for Leadership: Effective Alternatives (p.672)
                          (Senge) The Leader's New Work: Building Learning Organizations (p.724)

                                    -> Case III Megalith:  Present 

(14)  Dec  1          Review articles for final exam (discuss House & Aditya article)

(15)  Dec 8                         *** Final Exam *** 



    Bass, B. M. (1997) Does the transactional-transformational Leadership paradigm transcend organizational and national boundaries? American Psychologist, 52, 130-139.

    House, R. J. & Aditya, R. N. (1997). The social scientific study of leadership: Quo Vadis? Journal of Management, v. 23, 409-473

    Markham, S. E. (1988). Pay for performance, a dilemma revisited: Empirical example of the importance of group effects. J. of Applied Psychology, 73, 172-180.

    Ostroff, C. (1992). The relationship between satisfaction, attitudes, and performance; An organizational Level of Analysis. J. of Applied Psychology. 77, 963-974

    Shore, L. B. & Wayne, S. J. (1993). Commitment and employee behavior: Comparison of affective commitment and continuance commitment with perceived organizational support. J. of Applied Psychology, 78, 774-780

    Welsh, D. H. B., Luthans, F., & Sommer, S. M. (1993). Managing Russian factory workers: The impact of U.S. -based behavioral and participative Techniques. Academy of Management Journal, 36, no. 1, 58-79.
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