Appl 645 Personnel Assessment


Personnel Assessment Project (PAP)

As part of your course requirements, you will complete a Personnel Assessment Project (PAP). The purpose of the project is to demonstrate your competence in designing and developing a valid test battery and performance appraisal for a specific job. 

The PAP Project will account for 20% of your course grade. It will be evaluated on the

1.      Thoroughness of the how well the development incorporated theory and practice

2.      Extent to which it is consistent with sound principles of IO psychology

3.      Quality of the report and deliverables attached. 

  Instructions: To construct a selection protocol and performance appraisal for an O*Net job

1.      Select a job from  O*Net O*Net (job descriptions)

2.      Interview a job incumbent  (if possible)

3.      Construct a job description that can be used for recruitment.

4.     Develop a valid selection battery (at least three predictors and an interview protocol

NOTE (very important):

5.    For selecting a cognitive ability test use one  OTHER THAN THE WPT or WGCTA

6.    For selecting a personality inventory use one OTHER THAN THE NEO FFi or PI-R

7.    NOTE: Good reference in the Library Reserves:  

University of Baltimore Bogomolny Library Reference - 1st floor:

·       Buros Mental Measurement   BF 431 .M42

·       Tests in Print VI:  Murphy, Ed., BF 698 .5 .B878 2002

·      Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment (2004), Ed Michel Hersen (vol 4)   BF 176 .C654 2004  

a.      Provide validity evidence (content/criterion related studies/VG construct)

b.      Provide evidence-based reasoning for choices over alternatives

c.       Establish and justify the testing sequence and multiple  hurdle/compensatory

8.      Develop a performance appraisal to be used for administrative purposes

9.      Provide a written report to Management (instructor) describing the project and appending deliverables: 1. Position Description, 2. Selection Protocol, 3. Performance Appraisal Form)

In writing this report you will need to be able to communicate to management in terms they will understand, i.e. interpret more technical I-O language in lay or business terminology. The PAP report will be limited to 2000 words (not including tables/figures, appendices), written in APA style and include:

·       A title

o   Make the title descriptive of the project

·       Executive Summary

o   See how to write an executive summary

·       Introduction

o   Purpose of the study is provide the management with:

§  A proposed selection  procedure that will

·       Ensure that the best applicants are hired

·       Protect against legal liability

§  A valid Performance Appraisal that can be used for:

·       Administrative and / or development

o   Justification for the importance of using evidence-based procedures

§  Literature to support

·       Why a job analysis is essential for the project

·       Why  and what you are doing, e.g. importance and utility of using sound methodology (type of validity strategy)

·       Benefits that accrue to management from the PAP

·       Methodology

o   How you went about the process:

§  Job information from O*Net

§  Survey of potential predictors

§  Investigation of Performance Appraisal strategy and justification for choosing your strategy for both administrative and development

·       Results and Discussion

§  Summary of findings and deliverables

§  Position description (for recruitment) – (Attach as Appendix A)

§  Description of the proposed selection protocol - (Attach as Appendix B) include a table)

§  How it will be used and justification for how it will be used

·       i.e. sequence/multiple hurdle/compensatory, etc., Selection protocol (for management and HR) What validity strategy you recommend be conducted to ensure it will withstand legal challenges

§  Performance Appraisal - (Attach  as Appendix C)

§              Why it’s valid and how it will be used by the organization,  Expected benefits to the organization (in terms of utility and legal)

§  Recommendations for future revalidation, updating job description


·       References

·       Appendices:

o   Position Description (Appendix A)

o   Selection protocol (Appendix B)

o   Performance Appraisal Form with instructions for rating (Appendix C)

 NOTE see: Books and Tests for Bogomolny holdings for tests and measures (do not use WPT or WGCTA from GMA tests.)