Come in with 2 page project description including

1.    objective

2.    feasibility

3.    roles (for group project)

4.    timeline

5.    assessment for individual

6.    how theory and research finding will be incorporated

7.    product/deliverable (paper, etc.)


On Sept 18 each will choose /commit to a project.


Ideas for projects:

Kia: shopping center owners

Adam: study teams of 4 working in early/late stage. Apply Sit leadership theory.

Marsha: Power style of Sales managers: assertive/passive/Aggressive. Influence on communication among team members.

Torrey: Coop/ competition with retail sales. Audio video/best buy (coop)/ Sears (compet)

Circuit city (both). Surveys through HR.


Group A: Lisa/Kate/Karen


1. Observe e group (email, conference, e.g.) cf to face to face

2. examine a team (elected v. assigned) cf differencies/similarity

3. Observe student/ local gov’t meetings, narrative description

4. Observe 12 angry men. Analyze decision-making process/ reality TV show.

Lisa: Watch Survivor show. Competition v. coop. Personality characteristics.Communication patterns. Change of relationships over time.

Christie: Watch movie and describe group characteristics.

Kristy/Kate: Group cohesion/comm. Between e v. face to face. Lead to develop structured interview. HR team (e-Group) and in store group.

Motlagomang ??

Karen: Fundamental Attribution error in team to see if it affects their communication.


Group B: Matt/Christy/Marcia


1.    Paper on Groupthink: apply theory to case studies available. Measure group think? Develop one if not existent.

Matt: find existing Gthink measure and try to administer it to Schools?


2.    effectiveness of Communication (cf methods)

3.    Problems that diversity cause. Age/gender/race/ (other demo) expertise/ska/status.


Group C: Allison/Kia/Rebecca


1.    Cf EMT (emergency med tech). Survey? Observe/interview

2.    Observe communication/cohesion among teams in service dept. Interview corp HR/OD to discuss teamwork process.

Rebecca/Allison: Honda/surveys. Describe service policies. (cooperation/cohesion, satisfaction).

3.    Observe ER shows, analyze group dynamics using existing theory


Group D: Torrey/ChristyC/Adam

1. Cf vars: Interview/survey teams on leadership, goal commitment, Multiple teams over time

2. Competition v. Cooperation in retail sales (draw v. wage)

4.    Observe group/teams in school over a semester.

5.    Invent a class team with prosocial goals (compare teams)
