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October 07, 2010


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Illiya Vjestica

Awesome blog post Garr, these tips are brilliant. I would also add if your going to start your presentation with PUNCH, then the supporting slides as such should be bold and really add to the connection with your audience, much like the examples you have designed above.


I started a training on business model innovation with the question who played Lego when he was a child. Almost everybody put up his hands, and everybody had a frown on their face "what's he asking now?" (Unexpected, make it Personal). Then I told them that I played with Lego (Personal) and that if Lego in the eighties was the Lego company as we know it now, I could have made some money. Result: even more frowns, and everybody was interested :) (Challenging). To keep everybody's attention, I told them I would explain what I meant with that statement during the hour to come.

Never had a better evaluation than on this training.

Thanks for all the tips Garr!

Kanstantin Kachanouski

PUNCH - it is so easy to remember :) Thank you very much, Garr!

Allan W.

Great post Garr, sharing this with some presenters I work with.

Note: Some of the images in the post aren't wrapping the text around them, and are obscuring the words. The "float:right" style isn't working for some reason.

Alina Alens

Your PUNCH presentation tips make an enjoyable reading! Furthermore, they push motivational triggers needed in public speaking and presentation giving.


Allan, I tried everything to get fix the alignment wrap around but nothing works. It's a bug in Typepade for this post I guess. When I fix it it just pops up again for a different photo. You must be using Safari? It looks OK on FireFox, etc. Thanks!

J.F. Lesoine

Thank you for this post! I used your site extensively during the preparation of my Thesis defense. My friends and family told me that I had everyone's attention for a full 45-50 minutes until the question period. They had never seen anyone give a presentation with everyone leaning on the edge of their seat like that. I owe a lot of that to reading and learning from your blog. Thank you!

Andy Cotgreave

Nice post. PUNCH is similar to Chip and Ben Heath's SUCCES from Make it Stick. However, PUNCH is a much more fun word that SUCCES! Whichever one you choose to remember, it's a great point to make.

And I hang my head in shame that yesterday I did some filler at the start of a Tableau demo to colleagues... I got to the punch at around the second minute. Ho hum.

Jef Menguin

I like the acronym PUNCH. It is easy to remember. I also created my acronym for speech openings but it is for tagalog speaking audience.

Thank you for sharing your ideas.


Thank you very much for the nice idea.

maybe it's just me but the colors for your slides look just weird. The small text and the first letter of the big word form one group (same color), the rest of the big word forms a second group...

Greetings from Germany.

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