Style Preview!
Here is a preview of the style sheet applied to the RSS Feed . The URL to generate this view is:
CSS Applied
Below is the CSS applied here, yours for copy and pasting pleasure. See below for a description of the classes provided and refer to the Feed2JS style selection site for more details on where to use this code.
You may also use the form below to modify the CSS to experiment with your own variants. If you make something unique, pretty, or just plain interesting, please share it so we can build a nicer collection.
CSS classes
This sketch represents the CSS classes created by Feed2JS.
- rss_box defines the bounding div for the entire display- use to define borders, fill, etc.
- rss_title the title of the feed and link style if displayed. Use with variants of
rss_title a:link, rss_title a:hover
, etc for rollowver styles - rss_items defines the unordered list
for the feed items- use to define the padding/margins for items. - rss_item display of each feed item description and title,
as well as the channel description, if displayed. - rss_item a: variant for the item title and link style
- rss_date defines the display of item posting dates