Navigate Windows

click to zoom

I Return to Home Page

guide studies
Click on Guide Studies icon
to replace current window with home page.

II Navigate with Navigation Bar Bar Icons

tell stories see pictures play musicmap directionsmake timeguide studies

tell stories
Click on Tell Stories to access texts.

see pictures
Click on See Events to access pictures.

play music
Click on Play Music to access music.

map directions
Click on Map Directions to access science.

make time
Click on Make Time to access timelines.

guide studies
Remember to click on Guide Studies to return home

III Navigate with Bullets

Click on bullet to open Title link

When right bullet appears click on bullet to access commentary

IV Zoom Images

make connections

Click on images to zoom size.
Repeat zoom to continue resizing images.

V Close Windows

Windows with guide studies (Guide Studies) or tell stories (Tell Stories)
close with use of icon. Close other windows manually.

V Make connections

Click on Make Connections icon to send e-mail