University of Baltimore
Merrick School of Business

Mini-project 1: PC Diagnostic

INSS315 - Spring 1997

This mini-project requires you to use two programs of the diskettes in the book: MIPS and ASQ. These are very simple programs that run in DOS, only. Later in this course we will use more advanced tools. Mini-projects are to be done in small groups and submitted by e-mail to me by each mini-group.

  1. Look for three machines with different configurations on campus or at work, etc. You will run the above software in each of these machines.
  2. Compute the actual MIPS for each machine and compare with the data provided in the program.
  3. Do a memory and hardware analysis of the same three machines using ASQ, compare the results, and see if you find any relationship with the MIPS results (can the hardware and memory explain the differences in performance?).

Enter all your results in a file and e-mail it to me with the subject: 315m1. Be sure to include the group number and member names. The due date is February 25 (up to midnight).

That's it folks!

This page is maintained by Al Bento who can be reached at This page was last updated on February 17, 1997. Although we will attempt to keep this information accurate, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.