University of Baltimore
Merrick School of Business

Project 2: Select a PC for a Windows' user

INSS315 - Spring 1997

Each group should select a computer configuration to satisfy the needs and the budget of a user with the following requirements:

  1. The total price should not be over $1,700.00.
  2. This price should include Windows 95, Mouse, Monitor, Memory, Hard-disk drive, cd-rom, modem, one diskette drive (3 1/2), and at least 1 year Warranty.
  3. It should be able to run Windows in at least 256 colors and at 800x600 resolution.
  4. It should be able to run Paradox, WordPerfect , Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Netscape, (the cost of these packages are not to be included in the price), but you need to check their memory and hard-disk drive requirements.

You should obtain price quotations of at least three mail order companies for the configuration you selected (You can use the Web or call). A benchmark of the selected (or equivalent) configuration should also be part of the documentation (use the Wintune 97 benchmark for this purpose).

Each group is supposed to prepare a report regarding the work done. The report should contain the following items:

1. Introduction You should introduce the configuration that in your judgement satisfies the user's needs.
2. Description What did you do? How did you translated the user's needs into requirements for (a) processor type and speed, (b) memory size, (c) hard-disk drive capacity, (d) graphics card and motherboard graphics characteristics, (e) monitor type, size, resolution, and (f) cd-rom type, modem, etc. How did you go about obtaining price and benchmark information.
3. Conclusion What system and vendor do you recommend to the user and why?

This project is to be prepared in printed format, not e-mail.

This page is maintained by Al Bento who can be reached at This page was last updated on April 28,1997. Although we will attempt to keep this information accurate, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.