NBTEnum 3.3 - NetBIOS Enumeration Utility Written by Reed Arvin . Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. ========================================================================== Usage: nbtenum [-v] nbtenum [-h] nbtenum [-q] [ip address | ip input file] [username] [password] nbtenum [-a] [ip address | ip input file] [dictionary file] nbtenum [-s] [ip address | ip input file] [dictionary file] -v - (version) Displays version information. -h - (help) Displays this screen. -q - (query) Enumerates NetBIOS information on the specified host or range of IP addresses. If a username and password is not specified the utility is run under the context of the null user. If a username and password is specified the utility is run under the context of the given username. -a - (attack) Enumerates NetBIOS information on the specified host or range of IP addresses and also performs password checking. If a dictionary file is not specified the utility will check each user account for blank passwords and passwords the same as the username in lower case. If a dictionary file is specified the utility will check each user account for blank passwords and passwords the same as the username in lower case and all passwords specified in the dictionary file. -s - (smart attack) Enumerates NetBIOS information on the specified host or range of IP addresses and performs password checking only if the account lockout threshold on the current host is set to 0. If a dictionary file is not specified the utility will check each user account for blank passwords and passwords the same as the username in lower case. If a dictionary file is specified the utility will check each user account for blank passwords and passwords the same as the username in lower case and all passwords specified in the dictionary file. WARNING! Using the -a (attack) switch may lockout user accounts if the account lockout threshold is greater than 0 on the target host. ========================================================================== Examples: nbtenum -q Enumerates NetBIOS information on host as the null user. nbtenum -q johndoe "" Enumerates NetBIOS information on host as user "johndoe" with a blank password. nbtenum -a iprange.txt Enumerates NetBIOS information on all hosts specified in the iprange.txt input file as the null user and checks each user account for blank passwords and passwords the same as the username in lower case. nbtenum -s iprange.txt dict.txt Enumerates NetBIOS information on all hosts specified in the iprange.txt input file as the null user and checks each user account for blank passwords and passwords the same as the username in lower case and all passwords specified in dict.txt if the account lockout threshold is 0.