Windows applications and banner enumeration
Telnet and netcat: same in NT and UNIX.
- Telnet: Connect to a known port and see the software it is running, as in this example.
- Netcat: similar to telnet but provides more information.
- Countermeasures: log remotely in your applications and edit banners.
FTP (TCP 21), SMTP (TCP 25) : close ftp, use ssh (we will see it later). Disable telnet in mail servers, use ssh.
Registry enumeration: default in Win2k and above Server is Administrators only.
- Tools: regdmp (NTResource Kit) and DumpSec (seen previously).
- Countermeasures: be sure the registry is set for Administrators only and no command prompt is accessible remotely (telnet, etc).
Novell, UNIX, SQL enumeration will be seen in another class.