Klee, Revolt of the Viaduct, 1937


Peter Fitz  / 1319 N Charles St, Room 201

410-837-6034 / peterfitz_ubweb1@comcast.net


Arts & Ideas cultivates reading skills
by sharing concerns and sensibilities of people
within specific cultures at specific times,
through varied narrative strategies
suited to particular audiences.

Stories include art and architecture,
music and  sciences,
as well as history, philosophy,
myth, fiction and poetry.


To develop critical abilities
in reading, writing and thinking
To consider concerns and sensibilities
of specific cultures at specific times
To develop an appreciation of significant
works of imagination, together with
an understanding of narrative strategies
they incorporate to move audiences


Stories to Get

Homer, The Iliad (Fagles, trans)

Aeschylus, OresteiaThe Agamemnon – (Fagles, trans)

Plato, The Symposium 

Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde (Coghill, trans)

Machiavelli, The Prince (Mentor)

Shakespeare, Othello (Signet)

Stories appearing in the reading assignments
which are not listed above are available electronically


Participation in weekly discussion forums (30%)
A four to five page paper exploring one Iliad passage (10%)
A midterm exam on Greek stories (20%)
A five to seven page final paper on an approved topic (20%)
A final exam on later stories (20%)

Timely and considerate forum participation is a requirement for passing this on-line course.


Discussion forum participation 30%
Iliad paper 10%
Midterm on Greek Stories 20%
Final paper 20%
Final exam on later stories 20%


Contact via e-mail