You are required to complete three (and 4t for extra credit) SPSS Lab projects for this course. Detailed instructions are provided for each:
Note: For each of the three SPSS lab projects you must:
Lab #1 Hypothetical Relationships
Lab #2 Multivariate Regression
Lab #4 Two-way ANOVA (optional for extra credit)
Purpose: To demonstrate the strength (magnitude) and direction (positive, negative) of the relationships among variables relevant to a psychological theory.
Less than p < .05 but greater than p > .001:
Results must indicate for hypothesized significant relationships, p levels between <.05 and > .001)
H1. a positive significant relationship between A and B
(p <.05 but greater than p> .001)
H2. a negative significant relationship between A and C (p <.05 but greater than p> .001)
H3. a non-significant relationship (near zero) between A and D. (p > .05)
-> SPSS procedures:
Import your tables and figure (graph) into Word document using Academic Style tables ("table looks").
Note : I recommend that you delete the title in the SPSS table and place the table number and title outside the imported SPSS table.
Explain how the four variables are related with regard to the direction and strength. If the hypothesized relationship is counterintuitive, be sure to explain why.
Productivity (outcome or DV of interest)
Job satisfaction
Annual days late (to work)
Extraversion (personality)
Purpose: To demonstrate how each of three continuous predictor variables explain variance in a criterion or outcome variable, (i.e. Dependent Variable)
(1) Using YOUR proposal topic and the four variables from Lab 1 (or you many change the names if you like), hypothesize in the introduction how each of the three variables will contribute (account for variance) in your outcome, (or Dependent variable).
(2) Analyze your data set to determine how much each of the three predictors will or will not account for variance in the
multiple regression
->SPSS procedures:
(1) SPSS: Analyze>Regression>Linear (statistics: check Descriptives, -in addition to Estimates, Model fit)
(2) Import SPSS tables into Word document (APA styles) Results section:
Report: Descriptives (for all four variables) (use as your Table 1)
Report: Model Summary (use as your Table 2)
Report: Coefficients (use as your Table 3)
(3) In your discussion, explain the results in the context of your theory.
Productivity (outcome or DV of interest)
Job satisfaction
Annual days late (to work)
Extraversion (personality)
Lab #3 One way analysis of variance
Purpose: To demonstrate the effects of how a true Independent
Variable may affect scores on a Dependent Variable.
Instructions: Using your proposal topic and the four variable names you created for the Lab #1 assignment:
(1) Create a new Categorical (nominal) variable that will serve as a TRUE independent variable (not a participant, i.e. subject variable). Make sure it is one that follows from your theoretical framework.
This variable must have at least two levels (such as High and Low) (e.g. attractive v. unattractive stimulus person). Name the variable IV (for Independent Variable) and give it meaningful Variable label such as "Attractiveness level of stimulus person" and Value labels such as: 1 = High attractiveness; 2= low attractiveness. If your A variale for lab 1 was your primary variable of interest, i.e. outcome variable within your theoretical framework, you may want to use this as your DV in this lab 3.
Now add the new IV values by "assigning" participants to groups (conditions) by entering the new values (1, 2, For n =15 in each group condition/level).
(2) Then "assign" subjects/participants to groups (IV) in such a way to insure that the two group means will differ significantly on a dependent variable such as one of the variables you created as an outcome, most likely variable A, your primary DV in Lab1 (why not D?).
NOTE: You must manipulte your data values to ensure that results will support
the hypothesis for your primary DV showing that IV groups differ in the
predicted direction.
The probability for rejection must be between
p <.05 and >.001.
NOTE: Don't worry about the other predictors. You may ignore them in your analysis.
(3) Provide a short narrative explanation of your results, including how they fit your theory. Be sure to provide labels for variables and values that explain the nature of the variables.
(4) Import your tables and figures in Academic Style (SPSS) into your document report, making sure they conform to APA style for reporting results.
-> SPSS procedures:
1. Report in narrative form, (SPSS: Analysis: >Frequencies VARS=IV (n
in each condition)
2. Report in Table 1: Descriptives: (SPSS >Analysis>Descriptives VARS=A B C D;
Options: min, max (in addition to means and SD)
3. Report in Table 2:
(SPSS: >Anova: >Analysis> Compare means> ONEWAY Anova (DVs = A B C D) (IV = 1,2)
(Options: Descriptives)
(5) In the Discussion, discuss how your hypothesis (es) are supported with the results and how your theory is supported by your results.
Example: Lab 3 One way ANOVA
Job satisfaction
Annual days late
IV Autonomy level needed (high v. low)
*** Lab #4 Two-way analysis of variance *** OPTIONAL for extra credit
Purpose: To demonstrate how two independent variables (factors) interact to produce outcomes different from what would have occurred if either was tested alone. In this lab, as in Lab #2, one of the factors must be a true IV, but the other may be a truly categorical, non-manipulated Subject Variable, (e.g. gender, race, educational status).
Instructions: Using your proposal topic, and the four variables and the IV you created for the Lab #2 assignment,
(1) Create a second IV (or two more new independent variables) that will serve as a
second factor (FAC2) in a factorial design that
that will produce a significant two-way interaction. Each factor should
have at least two levels or conditions (e.g. low and high, yes or no).
The new variables should be called FAC2 (for Independent var 2) and if the original IV1 is used it should be relabeled as FAC1. Each should be given Variable labels and Value labels.
You must develop an explanation (or use an existing one) which would logically predict how the variables would operate together to produce the interaction. The example I have used suggests that FAC1 (Autonomy: Low and High need) will interact with FAC2 (Surveillance: Low and High need) to produce effective performance. It is hypothesized that workers with a low need for autonomy will perform better under High Surveillance while those who have a high need for autonomy will perform better when they are not supervised closely (Low Surveillance).
(2) You must "assign" subjects to groups in such a way to insure that a significant INTERACTION occurs. You don't have to produce a CROSSED interaction but it will be very impressive if you do!
NOTE: You must create data that will support the hypothesis for your crossed interaction on your primary DV with a probability for rejection between p <.05 and > .001.
(3) You must provide a rationale for the predicted interaction outcome (FAC1 or FAC2). Interaction must be significant for your primary DV (e.g. A) but not necessarily for others (B and C, etc). What significant differences, if any, would you expect to find for the other DVs? Why?
Hint: think about the relationships you established
among the four variables in Lab 1.
NOTE: If you are using a student
version of SPSS, you will not have Multivariate under Analyze/General Linear
Model. Therefore, you can run only one DV at a time using Analyze/General Linear
Note: Using SPSS in the labs, you can run all DVs under
Multivariate procedures.
Hint: it will help to set up a 2 X 2 table for the four cells and plug in "dummy" or hypothetical means in each cell to determine how they will have to vary. It will also help to sort your primary dependent variable before you attempt to assign subjects to conditions.
You can do this by including the SPSS procedure: Data/Sort Cases...Sort BY....
(3) Now add the new variable(s) in the data list and "assign" subjects to groups by entering the new values (1, or 2, for each subject). If you have 30 subjects, you will have to assign 7 to two cells and 8 to the other two cells. Hint: you may find it easier to use the "view value labels" option under View while in Data View (bottom tab) (not in Variable View).
-> SPSS procedures:
(4) Describe and explain how all four means fit (or follow from) your theory or reasoning.
Lab 4 data definition
FAC1 Autonomy
1 Lo need auto 2 High need auto
1 Lo need surveil 2 High need surveil
Data analysis for Lab 4 Two way anova (easy as 1,2,3)
#1. Create data: After defining your data variables and labels, in data view, choose View [value labels]. This will make it easier to work with changing subject values to fit your hypotheses.
To calculate how your “assigned” Ss are distributed to conditions (cells):
a. Fac1 -> Row
b. Fac2 -> Column
#2. Test your hypotheses: To test your
hypothesis (no significant main effects, but a 2-way interaction), use
a Two-way ANOVA:
Analyze/General Linear Model/Multivariate (for SPSS student version, use /Univariate and run each DV separately)
a. DVs -> Dependent variable(s)
b. Fac 1 -> Fixed Factor
c. Fac 2-> Fixed Factor
Choose under: Options
d. Descriptive statistics
e. Estimates of effect size
(move each fac plus the interaction fac1*fac2 over to the
"display means for")
f.. Plots: fac1 -> Horizontal; fac 2 -> separate [add]
#3. Analyze data:
Inspect Cross tab results to ensure that Ss are (almost) equally distributed
into four cells, i.e. 7 or 8 in each.
Inspect Univariate ANOVAs to make sure:
1. There are no main effects for either fac1 or fac2
2. There is a significant interaction (probability of rejection
between p < 05 but not less than .001).
3. The means are in the predicted direction.
Explain results in the narrative.
Note: (Important!) If results are counterintuitive, you must be careful to explain how the theory predicts the findings.
Import your Academic tables and figures with numbers and labels into your word processing document.