Computer Industry
top twenty companies by sales

Rank Company Sales in millions Fortune 500
1 IBM 87,548 6
2 HP 48,253 13
3 Compaq 38,525 20
4 Lucent 38303 22
5 Motorola 30,931 37
6 Intel 29,389 39
7 Dell 25,265 56
8 Microsoft 19,747 84
9 EDS 18,534 91
10 Cisco 12,154 146




12 TI 9,468 180
13 Oracle 8,827 195
14 Gateway 8,646 203
15 CSC 7,660 231
16 Unisys 7,545 236
17 Seagate 6,802 256
18 EMC 6,716 260
19 Apple 6,134 285
20 ADP 5,540 298
20 First Data 5,540 299

Source: Fortune 500

This page is maintained by Al Bento who can be reached at This page was last updated on November 27, 2000. Although we will attempt to keep this information accurate, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.