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9/7/2014 4:11 PM 273514 2014 09_Summer_Newsletter.pdf
9/11/2018 12:35 PM <dir> _vti_cnf
8/26/2011 3:55 PM 139961 A META-ANALYSIS OF WORK SAMPLE TEST.pdf
9/3/2013 9:45 PM 172555 Adverse Effect Cases.pptx
4/17/2017 10:47 AM 13926 against job interviews NYT 4-9-17.html
9/11/2018 12:35 PM <dir> against job interviews NYT 4-9-17_files
10/1/2014 4:39 PM 391234 Are workplace personality tests fair - Yahoo Finance.htm
10/25/2020 1:12 PM <dir> Articles NEW
12/11/2013 2:58 PM 2311168 Assessment Centers_Lecture 6.ppt
8/24/2011 8:23 AM 2978488 Assessment of Training and Experience Technology for Assessment - Copy.pptx
8/24/2011 8:23 AM 2978488 Assessment of Training and Experience Technology for Assessment.pptx
9/11/2018 1:00 PM 249719 Barrick & mount Pers and perf new millennium 2001.pdf
9/11/2018 12:35 PM 10343 barrick mount judge personality.txt
9/14/2014 1:43 PM 974848 BIODATA tool civilian army personnel.ppt
9/3/2019 4:59 PM 86296 Cognitive AbilityTesting EF wonderlic.pdf
10/3/2020 8:40 PM 687191 Drasgow MKUPPred Perfor by non-cog traitsMilPsy 2020.pdf
8/27/2011 9:07 PM 337225 General Cognitive Ability.PDF
10/29/2019 2:07 PM 521505 Gottfredson 2004socialconsequences.pdf
6/29/2014 5:09 AM 2444768 Hunter and Hunter 1984 Validity and Utility.pdf
7/25/2014 2:57 PM 734214 Hunter and Hunter (1984) Revisited Interview Validity for Entry-Level Jobs.pdf
7/26/2019 10:33 AM 1954826 JAP Assess Ctr review.pdf
9/11/2011 10:01 AM 671744 Logic of Prediction2.ppt
9/14/2014 2:18 PM 1236130 Mael BIODATA.pdf
6/29/2014 5:09 AM 2112289 McDanieletal1994CriterionValidityInterviewsMeta.pdf
7/26/2014 1:38 PM 949115 NEO PI R Job Profiler Costa 1996.pdf
10/18/2017 2:33 PM 344771 principles and standards SIOP.pdf
10/29/2019 1:41 PM 2011327 roth et al ethnic grp diff in cog abil ppsych 2001.pdf
9/11/2011 12:00 AM 1760768 Selection Techniques.ppt
6/21/2011 7:56 PM 123010 Summary of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing.pdf
8/27/2011 4:53 PM 113445 Summary of the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures.PDF
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6/21/2011 7:57 PM 569640 Summated Rating Scales.pdf
10/29/2019 11:47 AM 117940 The Uniform Guidelines are a Detriment to the.pptx
11/6/2019 12:24 PM 222230 Thompson & Levine Ex supressor vars.pdf
8/18/2011 6:27 PM 199680 Tyalor Russle Table PowerPoint.ppt
8/20/2011 7:11 PM 1433600 Use_of_OnlineTesting.ppt
9/3/2019 5:07 PM 462224 Watson Glaser CritcalThinking Validation Study.PDF
1/31/2020 1:27 PM 1948660 Wirtz et al EJWOP Do assessment centres show external construct related validity.pdf
10/23/2020 11:12 AM 963020 WooLeBretonKeithTay_2020_Bias, Fairness, and Validity in Graduate Admissions.pdf