1444 Titian Vecelli 1576

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St. Mark Enthroned
 with Saints, 1510, Church of Santa Maria della Salute, Venice
Portrait of a Man,
1510, National Gallery, London
The Three Ages of Man, 1511-1512,
National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh

Portrait of a Man, 1512-1513, Pinakothek, Munich
Holy Family and Donor, 1513-1514, Pinakothek at Munich Sacred and Profane Love, 3 ft. 11 in. x 9 ft. 2 in., 1515 c., Galleria Borghese
Flora, 1515, Galleria degli Uffizi, CJA0005 Man with the Glove, 39 in. x 35 in., 1519 c., Louvre, Paris
Christ Crowned with Thorns, 9 ft. x 6 ft., 1573-1575 c., Alte Pinakothek, Munich, GD21764 Venus of Urbino, 48 in. x 66 in., 1538, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
The Bacchanal, c.1520, 67"x76", Prado Danaë and the Shower of Gold, 1553, 51"x71", Prado
The Death of Actaeon, c.1565, 178cmx198cm, National Gallery, London Bacchus and Adriadne, 1523-1524, Museo del Prado, Madrid
Madonna with Saints, 1519-1526, 189"x105", Sta. Maria dei Friari, Venice detail of Madona with Saints
(Pesaro donors)
Portrait of Ippolito de Medici, 1523-1534, Pitti Palace, Florence Portrait of Francesco Maria della Rovere, 1538, Galleria degli Uffizi
Portrait of a Young Englishman, 1540-1545, 44"x37", Pitti Palace Detail of Portrait of a Young Englishman