1444 Titian Vecelli 1576

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Portrait of Pietro Aretino, 1545, 38"x31", Pitti Palace, Florence  Portrait of a Woman, c1536, 35"x30", Pitti Palace, Florence 
The Doge Andrea Gritti, 1535-1540, National Gallery of Art, Wash., D.C., CJA0002 Doge Antonio Grimani Kneeling before the Faith, 1575-1576, Doges' Palace, Venice, CJA0032
Allegory of Time, 1565-1570, National Gallery, London, CJA0031 Pope Paul III with Alessandro and Ottavio Farnese, 1546,, 79"x68", Museo di Capodimonte, Naples
Mary Magdalene, 1553, Pitti Palace, Florence, CJA0026 Profane Love (Vanity), 1514-1515, Pinakothek at Munich, CJA0008
Sacred and Profane Love, 3 ft. 11 in. x 9 ft. 2 in., 1515 c., Galleria Borghese, GD21760 Venus with a Mirror, 1555, National Gallery of Art, Wash., D.C., CJA0003 with a Mirror, 1555, National Gallery of Art, Wash., D.C., CJA0003
Venus and Adonis, 1560 c., National Gallery of Art, Wash., D.C., CJA0004 Venus Enjoying Love and Music, c.1576, 58"x85", Prado
Charles V at Mühlberg, 1548, 131"x110", Prado Charles V Seated, 1548, Pinakothek, Munich, CJA0006
Spain Succouring Religion, 1575, Museo del Prado, Madrid, CJA0033 Angelica and Medor, 1566-70, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Entombment (Pietà), 1576, Accademia Gallery, Venice, CJA0034 Self-Portrait, 1567-1570, National Gallery, London, CJA0030