1746 Francisco Goya 1828

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1810 The Disasters of War 2/3

29 He deseved it!

30 Ravages of war

31 This is too much!

32 Why?

33 What more is there to do?

34 On account of a knife

35 Nobody knows why

36 Nor this

37 This is worse

38 Barbarians!

39 Great deeds—
against the dead!

40 Unequal combat

41 They escape through the flames

42 Everything’s going wrong

43 And this too

44 This I saw

45 And that too

46 This is bad

47 That is how it happened

48 Cruel sufferings

49 A woman’s charity

50 Unhappy mother!

51 Thanks to the chick-pea

52 They will not arrive in time

53 He died without any aid

54 Vain laments

55 The worst is begging

56 To the cemetery