1746 Francisco Goya 1828

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1810 The Disasters of War 1/3

1 Sad presentiments of what must come to pass

2 With reason or without

3 The same

4 Women give courage

5 And they are like wild beasts

6 This brings you luck

7 What courage!

8 That always happens

9 They do not want to

10 Nor they

11 Nor do these

12 Was it for this that you were born?

13 Bitter presence

14 The way is hard

15 And there is no remedy

16 They equip themselves

17 They do not agree

18 Bury them and be silent

19 There is no more time

20 Look after them, and then turn to the others

21 It will be the same

22 So much and even more

23 The same everywhere

24 They will still be fit for service

25 And so will these

26 One cannot look at this

27 Charity

28 Rabble