University of Baltimore : Division of Applied Behavioral Sciences  

Personality at Work
APPL 700.185 (class #4016) Fall 2007

Instructor: Tom Mitchell, Ph.D. 837-5348
Home Page:
Office hrs:  Mondays & Tuesdays 12 - 2 PM;  4 - 5 PM

Class:  Tuesdays 5:30 - 8:00 PM in Academic Center 407

  WEB BOARD FOR CLASS IS: UB Online TycoWebBoard APPL 700

          VII Schedule of dates and assignments
     VIII Bibliography

 (1) Aug 28

(2)  Sept 4   

(3)  Sept 11 

(4)  Sept 18

(5) Sept 25  

(6)  Oct 2

(7)  Oct 9

(8)  Oct 16


(9)   Oct 23

(10) Oct 30

(11) Nov 6

(12) Nov 13

(13) Nov  20

(14) Nov 27

  (15) Dec 11  


I. Descriptive Information
           Course description: A study of the role that personality plays in an organizational setting. The construct of personality will be examined as it relates to job performance and interpersonal relations at work. The primary focus will be on recent theory and research on findings on the effectiveness of personality in selection with an emphasis on response distortion issues. Students will complete several self-report inventories to gain a personal view of how someone with his or her profile would be expected to behave in various work environments. 

II. Objectives of course:

General Objective:  Provide the student with an understanding of how personality measures are used in selection, how personality interacts with situations factors in the work environment to influence performance. Upon completion of the course, students should have an enhanced understanding of the important role personality plays in organizational behavior. They will also gain a better understanding of the kind of work environment that best suits their personality type. 

    Specific Objectives are: 

 For each student to develop an in-depth understanding of his or her profile on the most widely used valid personality inventories and to understand how his or her profile fits best with specific work environments and settings

III. Class format:

The class will be conducted as a seminar. Discussions will focus on chapters, readings and personality inventories (primarily, HPI, NEO-PI R, IPIP and CPI). Each student will bring a (1) one page written summary of each article assigned and pose two questions for each article, and (2) short answers to the questions for each Chapter (linked to chapter titles). Discussions will focus on the articles and chapters assigned, and questions. Students will be responsible for completing the self-assessments online or in the Wagman Lab outside of scheduled class time. Assignments for specific dates are subject to change, but advanced notice will be given.

IV. Text:

Schneider, B. & Smith, D. B., eds. (2004). Personality in Organizations. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Pub: London.
ISBN: 0-8058-3758-2

V. Course requirements for each student:

VI. Assessment:

The student will be evaluated on  

Points possible   Activity:

Grade scale: 90 = A; 80 = B; 70 = C

Links to useful information on personality at work:

VII Schedule of dates and assignments

(1) Aug 28



(2) Sept 4  Chap1: Personality Psychology for Organizational Researchers (p. 3) R. Hogan

Complete: Goldberg's IPIP items measuring the Five Factors. (complete the self -estimation of FFM first)

    IPIP (International Personality Item Pool, L. Goldberg)

   IPIP Five Factor Model score report for Goldberg’s IPIP (comparison of estimate and actual)


(3) Sept 11



(4)  Sept 18 Chap 3. Four Lessons Learned From the Person-Situation Debate (p. 61) Stewart & Barrick


(5)  Sept 25 Chap 4: Personality, Interactional Psychology, and P-O Fit (p. 87) Judge & Kristof-Brown 


(6)  Oct 2


(7)  Oct 9

         Midterm Exam #1

(8)  Oct 16

Chap 5: The Implications of Impression Management for Personality in Organizations (p. 111) Smith & Robie


(9)  Oct 23  Chap 6: Vocational Psychology and Personality (p. 141) Walsh 
(10) Oct 30 Chap 7: The Dispositional Approach to Job Attitudes: An Empirical and Conceptual Review (p163). Staw
(11) Nov 6


(12) Nov 13

          McCrae article in Science on national stereotypes - Balt Sun (no summary or questions required)

        Full Facts Book of Cold Reading (The New Yorker)


(13) Nov 20  Chap 10: Personality and Leadership (p. 251-265)Spangler, House & PalrechaSean McCarthy

          The downfall of Merrill CEO Stan O'Neal (WSJ): Was it his personaltiy?

Chap 12: The Role of Personality in Group Processes (p.347) Moynihan & Peterson

(14) Nov 27 Chap 15: Where We've Been and Where We're Going: Conclusions (p. 387) Smith & Schneider

*** Description of Profile Papers due ***

(15) Dec 4
     Final Exam or submit model





    return to homepage TMitch
* assigned for class discussion

*Arvey, R. D., Bouchard, T. J., Segal, N. L., & Abranham, L. M. (1989). Job satisfaction: Environmental and genetic components. Journal of Applied psychology, 74, 187-192.

*Barrick, M. R., & Mount, M. K. (1993). Autonomy as a moderator of the relationships between the Big Five personality dimensions and job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 0021-9010.

*Barrick, M. R., & Mount, M. K. (1991). The Big Five personality dimensions and job performance: A meta-analysis. Personnel Psychology, 44, 1-26. 

*Barrick, M. R., & Mount, M. K. (1996). Effects of impression management and self-deception on the predictive validity of personality constructs. Journal of Applied Psychology, 81, 261-272.

*Barrick, M. R., Stewart, G. L., Neubert, M. J., & Mount, M. K. (1998). Relating member ability and personality to work-team processes and team effectiveness. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, 377-391.

*Bouchard, T., Arvey, R. D., Keller, L. M., Segal, N. L. (1992). Genetic influences on job satisfaction: A reply to Cropanzano and James. Journal of Applied Psychology, 77, 89-93.

*Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1999). If we are so rich, why aren't we happy? American Psychologist, 54, 821-827.

Day, D. V., & Silverman, S. B. (1989). Personality and job performance: Evidence of incremental validity. Personnel Psychology, (1), 25-36.

*Davis-Blake, A., & Pfeffer, J. (1989). Lust a mirage; The search for dispositional effects in organizational research. Academy of Management Review, 14, 385-400.

*De Fruyt, F., & Mervielde, I. (1999). RIASEC types of big five traits as predictors of employment status and nature of employment. Personnel Psychology, 52, 701-727.

*Hogan, R., & Hogan, J. (1996). Personality measurement and employment decisions: Q&A.  American Psychologist, May 469-477.

*Hogan, R. & Holland, B. (2003). Using theory to evaluate personality and job-performance relations: A socioanalytic perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 1, 100-112.

Hough, L. M. .(1998). Effects of intentional distortion in personality measurement and evaluation of suggested palliatives. Human Performance, 11, 209-244.

Hough, L. M., & Furnham, A. (2003). Use of personality variables in work settings In W. C. Borman, D. R. Illgen,  &  R. J. Handbook of Psychology: I/O
         Psychology. Chapter 7, 131-169.

*Judge, T. A., Locke, E. A., Durham, C., & Kluger, A. H. (1998). Dispositional effects on job and life satisfaction: The role of core evaluations.
            Journal of         Applied Psychology, 83,

Judge, T. A., J. E., Bono, R. Llies & Gerhardt, M. W. (2002)   Personality and Leadership: A Qualitative and Quantitative Review. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, No. 4, 765–780.

Klimoski (Eds.), Comprehensive handbook of Psychology (Vol. 12, pp. 131-169). Industrial/Organizational Psychology.  New York: Wiley.

*Loher, B. T., Noe, R. A., Moeller, H. L., & Fitzgerald, M. P. (1985). A meta-analysis of the relation of job characteristics to job satisfaction.
            Journal of Applied Psychology, 70

*McFarland, L. A., & Ryan, A. M. (2000). Variance in faking across noncognitive measures. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 812-821.

*Newman, G. A., & Wright, J. (1999). Team effectiveness; Beyond skills and cognitive ability. Journal of Applied Psychology, 84, 376-389.

*O'Reilly, C. A., Chatman, J., U Caldwell, D. F. (1991).People and organizational culture: A profile comparison approach to assessing person-organization fit.
             Academy of Management Journal, 34, 487-516

*Ones, D. S., Viswesvaran, C., & Reiss, A. D. (1996). Role of social desirability in personality testing for personnel selection: The red herring.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 81(6), 660-679. 

*Pittenger, D. J. (2005). Cautionary comments regarding the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Consulting Psychology Journal, 57, 210-221.

*Schmit, M. J., & Ryan, A. M. (1993). The big five in personnel selection: Factor structure in applicant and nonapplicant populations. Journal of Applied Psychology,  78, 966-974.

*Schmit, M. J., & Ryan, A. M., Stierwalt, S. L., &  Powell, A. B. (1995). Frame-of-reference effects on personality scale scores and criterion-related validity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 80, 607-620.

*Sheldon, K. M., & Elliot, A. J. (1998). Not all personal goals are personal: Comparing autonomous and controlled reasons for goals a predictors of effort
            and attainment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24 (5), 546-557.

*Staw, B. M., & Ross, J. J. (1985). Stability in the midst of change; A dispositional approach to job attitudes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 70, 469-480.

*Salancik, G., R., & Pfeffer, J. (1978). A social information processing approach to job attitudes and task design.
            Administrative Science Quarterly, 22,

*Tett, R. P., Jackson, D. N., & Rothstein, M. (1991). Personality measures as predictors of job performance. Personnel Psychology,  44,  703-742.

*Tokar, D. M. & Swanson, J. L. (1995). Evaluation of the correspondence between Holland' vocational personality typology and the five-factor model of personality. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 46, 89-108.