Essential HTML

This is a short course in the essential elements of HTML. It was tested using Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome. Some details in the examples are only seen correctly in Internet Explorer and Firefox. Compatibility with others browsers is not guaranteed.


What am I supposed to do?

To create web (HTML) documents or pages, you need to create a text (ASCII) file and format it using tags, or marks. These tags will make an Web browser like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc, display your document with special formats, connections and graphics. The Lynx browser can display text and perform connections, but cannot display graphics.

How do I start?


What should I do next?


If you are a member of the University of Baltimore comunity

  • You can also edit your pages home then connect using FTP to HOME -- home.ubalt.edu -- and upload your files to your ubxxLxx account.

  • Faculty and staff may have NTxxxxx accounts or ubxxLxx accounts and can access drive H: in the office, and use ftp from home to home.ubalt.edu as discussed above.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Do you want do know more? What should you know to edit HTML files?






    Additional references

    If you feel you need more information use, among others, the following sources:


    This page is maintained by Al Bento who can be reached at abento@ubalt.edu. This page was created in March 28, 1995. Last updated in July 8, 2019. Although we will attempt to keep this information accurate, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.

    Attention Feel free to copy this page for educational, not-for-profit use. For other uses please contact the author.