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Books: Authors' Index
Aburdene M., Computer Simulation of Dynamic Systems, Wm. C. Brown, 1988.
Ahrweiler P., and N. Gilbert, (Eds.), Computer Simulations in Science and Technology Studies, Springer, 1987.
Arsham H., J. Kreimer, and R. Rubinstein, Application of Radon-Nikodym theorem for simulation of queueing system, Discrete Event Simulation and Operations Research, SCS Publication, Belgium, 95-99, 1987.
Asmussen S., Ruin Probabilities, World Scientific Press, 2000.
Balemi S., P. Kozak, and R. Smedinga, (eds.), Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control, Birkhauser, Basel, 1993.
Banks J., (Ed.), Handbook of Simulation, John Wiley, 1998.
Banks J., Carson J., and B. Nelson, Discrete-Event System Simulation, Prentice Hall, 2000.
Bechhofer R., T. Santer, and D. Goldsman, Design and Analysis of Experiments for Statistical Selection, Screening, and Multiple Comparisons, Wiley, 1995.
Benveniste A., M. Metivier, and P. Priouret, Adaptive Algorithms and Stochastic Approximations, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1990.
Bequette B., Process Dynamics; Modeling, Analysis and Simulation, Prentice Hall, 1997.
Binder K., and D. Heermann, Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics: An Introduction, Springer Verlag, 1998.
Birge J, and F. Louveaux, Introduction to Stochastic Programming, Springer, New York, 1997.
Bolch G., S. Greiner, H. de Meer, and K. Trivedi, Queueing Networks and Markov Chains: Modeling and Performance Evaluation with Computer Science Applications, Wiley, 1998.
Performance analysis seeks to discover the information bottlenecks in a computer system, and allows the system designer to create an optimal system for a specific need. This book presents a self-contained and complete presentation of the theory and application of computer performance evaluation based on queueing theory and Markov chains. After beginning with basic probability theory, Queueing Networks and Markov Chains proceeds to the more complicated topics of queueing networks and Markov chains, using applications and examples to illustrate key points.Bossel H., Modeling & Simulation, A. K. Peters Pub., 1994.
Bouleau N. and D. Lepingle, Numerical Methods for Stochastic Processes, John Wiley, 1994.
Bennett B., Simulation Fundamentals, Prentice Hall, 1995.
Birtwistle G., DEMOS: Discrete Event Modelling on Simula, MacMillan, 1979.
Bratley P., B. Fox and L. Schrage, A Guide to Simulation, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1983.
Bucklew J., Large Deviation Techniques in Decision, Simulation and Estimation, Wiley, 1990.
Bulgren, W., Discrete System Simulation, Prentice-Hall, 1982
Cairoli R., R. and Dalang Sequential Stochastic Optimization, Wiley, 1995.
Cassandras C., Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Performance Analysis, Irwin, Boston, MA, 1993.
Cassandras C., Rapid Learning Techniques for Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Performance Analysis, Irwin, 1993.
Cassandras C., and S. Lafortune, Introduction to Discrete Event Systems, Kluwer Academic Pub., 1999.
Cellier F., Continuous System Modeling, Springer Verlag, 1991.
Checkland P., Systems Thinking, Systems Practice: Includes a 30-Year Retrospective, Wiley, 1999.
Chen M-H., Q-M. Shao, and J. Ibrahim, Monte Carlo Methods in Bayesian Computation, Springer, 2000.
Chorafas D., Simulation, Optimization, and Expert Systems, Probus Pub Co., 1991.
Clymer J., Systems Analysis Using Simulation and Markov Models, Prentice Hall, 1990.
Coyle R., System Dynamics Modelling, Chapman & Hall, London, 1996.
Curry G., et al., Discrete Simulation: Fundamental and Microcomputer Support, Holden Day, 1989
Dagpunar J., Principles of Random Variate Generation, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1988.
De Cogan D. and A. De Cogan, Applied Numerical Modelling For Engineers, Oxford University Press, 1997.
Elzas M., T. Oren, and B. Zeigler (eds.), Modelling and Simulation Methodology: Knowledge Systems Paradigms, North-Holland, 1989.
Ermakov, S., and V. Melas, Design and Analysis of Simulation Experiments, Kluwer, Boston, 1995.
Ertas A., and J. Jones, The Engineering Design Process, Wiley, 1997.
Evans J., Structures of Discrete Event Simulation: An Introduction to the Engagement Strategy, Ellis Horwood ; Chichester, Halsted Press, New York, 1988.
Evans J., and D. Olson, Introduction to Simulation and Risk Analysis, Prentice Hall, 2002.
FeldmanPh., Discrete-Event Simulation for Performance Evaluation Systems With Algorithms and Example in C and C++, Wiley, 2000.
Fiedler B., (ed.), Handbook of Dynamical Systems, Elsevier Science, 2002.
Fishman G., Discrete-Event Simulation: Modeling, Programming and Analysis, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001.
Fishman G., Monte Carlo: Concepts, Algorithms and Applications, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1996.
Fishman G., Principles of Discrete Event Simulation, Wiley, 1978
Fishman G., Concepts and Methods in Discrete Event Digital simulation, Wiley, 1973
Fishwick P., Simulation Model Design and Execution: Building Digital Worlds, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1995.
Fu M., and J.Q. Hu, Conditional Monte Carlo: Gradient Estimation and Optimization Applications, Kluwer Academic Pub., 1997.
Fu M., and J-Q. Hu, Conditional Monte Carlo: Gradient Estimation and Optimization Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
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Additional Books and Journal Articles: Authors' Index
Aazhang B., and J.R Cavallaro, Multitier wireless communications, Wireless Personal Communications, 17, 323-330, 2001.
Abbott Catherine A., Michael W. Berry, E.Jane Comiskey, Louis J. Gross, and Hank-Kwang Luh, Parallel individual-based modeling of Everglades deer ecology, IEEE Computational Science & Engineering, 4, 60-72, 1997.
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Ahmed M., T. Alkhamis, and M. Hasan, Optimizing discrete stochastic systems using simulated annealing and simulation, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 32 (4), 823-836, 1997.
Ajami N.K., Q. Duan, , X. Gao, and S. Sorooshian, Multimodel combination techniques for analysis of hydrological simulations: Application to distributed model intercomparison project results, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 7 (4), 755-768, 2006.
Ali M., A.To¨rn, and S. Viitanen, A direct search variant of the simulated annealing algorithm for optimization involving continuous variables, Computers and Operations Research, 29, 87-102, 2002.
Al-Sultan K., A tabu search Hooke and Jeeves algorithm for unconstrained optimization, European Journal of Operational Research, 103 (2), 198-208, 1997.
Anderson N.P., G.W. Evans, and W.E. Biles, Simulation optimization of logistics systems through the use of variance reduction techniques and criterion models, Engineering Optimization, 38 (4), 441-460, 2006.
Andjelkovic´ B., V. Litovski, and V. Zerbe, Mission level modeling and simulation language for mixed-signal system-on-chip design, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 16 (1), 15-28, 2007.
Andradottir S., Optimization of transient and steady-state behavior of discrete event systems, Management Science, 42 (3), 717-737, 1996.
Andradottir S., Simulation optimization, Handbook on Simulation, 307-33, 1998.
Andradottir S., A scaled stochastic approximation algorithm, Management Science, 42 (2), 475-498, 1996.
Aqel M.M., A simulation technique for engineering control systems, Journal of Applied Sciences, 6 (1), 157-162, 2006.
Argyris J., M. De Donno, and F.L. Litvin, Computer program in Visual Basic language for simulation of meshing and contact of gear drives and its application for design of worm gear drive, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 189 (2), 595-612, 2000.
Asdre K., and S. Nikolopoulos, P-tree structures and event horizon: Efficient event-set implementations, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 21, 19-26, 2006.
Avramidis A., and J. Wilson, Correlation-induction techniques for estimating quantiles in simulation experiments, Operations Research, 46, 574-591, 1998.
Ayres M., D. Wait, T. Le, and M. Wiederholt, Simulation of large scale, spacecraft power systems using sparse-matrix solution techniques, Advances in Engineering Software, 31, 593-598, 2000.
Azadiva F., and Y. Lee, Optimization of discrete variable stochastic systems by computer simulation, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 30 (2), 331-345, 1988.
Bäck T., and H. Schwefel, An overview of evolutionary algorithms for parameter optimization, Evolutionary Computation, 1 (1),1-23, 1993.
Baeza, A., and P. Mulet, Adaptive mesh refinement techniques for high-order shock capturing schemes for multi-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 52 (4), 455-471, 2006.
Bagrodia R.L., and M. Takai, Performance evaluation of conservative algorithms in parallel simulation languages, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 11 (4), 395-411, 2000.
Bahloul R., A. Mkaddem, Ph. Dal Santo, and A. Potiron, Sheet metal bending optimisation using response surface method, numerical simulation and design of experiments, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 48, 991-1003, 2006.
Balevic?ius R., A. Dz?iugys, R. Kac?ianauskas, A. Maknickas, and K. Vislavic?ius, Investigation of performance of programming approaches and languages used for numerical simulation of granular material by the discrete element method, Handbook of Simulation: Principles, Methodology, Advances, Applications, and Practice, 1998.
Barr R., Z. Haas, and R. Van Renesse, JiST: An efficient approach to simulation using virtual machines, Software - Practice and Experience, 35, 539-576, 2005.
Barton R. , and J. Ivey, Jr., Nelder-Mead simplex modifications for simulation optimization, Management Science, 42 (7), 954-973, 1996.
Batmaz I., and S. Tunali, Small response surface designs for metamodel estimation, European Journal of Operational Research, 145, 455-470, 2003.
Benveniste A., M. Metivier, and P. Priouret, Adaptive Algorithms and Stochastic Approximations, 1990.
Berry V. Michael, and A.N. Wilson, Black-and-white fringes and the colors of caustics, Applied Optics, 33 (21), 4714-4718, 1994.
Berry Michael W., Brett C. Hazen, Rhonda L. MacIntyre, Richard O. Flamm, Lucas: a system for modeling land-use change, IEEE Computational Science & Eengineering, 3 (1), 24-35, 1996.
Beyn W., and W. Kless, Numerical Taylor expansions of invariant manifolds in large dynamical systems, Numerische Mathematik, 80 (1), 1-38, 1998.
Bhatnagar S., and I. Reddy, Optimal threshold policies for admission control in communication networks via discrete parameter stochastic approximation, Telecommunication Systems, 29, 9-31, 2005.
Bielli M., A. Boulmakoul and M. Rida, Object oriented model for container terminal distributed simulation, European Journal of Operational Research, 175, 1731-1751, 2006.
Biethhan J., and V. Nissen, Combinations of simulation and evolutionary algorithms in management science and economics, Annals of Operations Research, 52, 183-208, 1994.
Binder K., and D. Heermann, Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics: An Introduction, 1998.
Bollapragada R., and U. Rao, Replenishment planning in discrete-time, capacitated, non-stationary, stochastic inventory systems, IIE Transactions, 38, 605-617, 2006.
Born R., Packet-switching network performance under real-time voice-call loading, Modeling & Simulation, 1994.
Boukerche A., An adaptive partitioning algorithm for distributed discrete event simulation systems, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 62, 1454-1475, 2002.
Boukerche A., and T. Tuck, RF-MVTC: An efficient risk-free multiversion concurrency control algorithm, Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience, 16, 1291-1311, 2004.
Bumble M., and L. Coraor, An architecture for a nondeterministic distributed simulator, Burke Speech Processing for IP Networks: Media Resource Control Protocol, 2007.
Camilleri D., Alternative simulation techniques for distortion of thin plate due to fillet-welded stiffeners, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 14 (8), 1307-1327, 2006.
Camilleri D., T.G.F. Gray, Computationally efficient welding distortion simulation techniques, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 13 (8), 1365-1382, 2005.
Cancela H. and M. Urquhart, Adapting RVR simulation techniques for residual connectedness network reliability models, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 51, 439-443, 2002.
Cao X, Perturbation analysis of discrete event systems: Concepts, algorithms, and applications, European Journal of Operational Research, 91 (1), 1-13, 1996.
Cao Y., H. Sun, and K. Trivedi, Performance analysis of reservation media-access protocol with access and serving queues under bursty traffic in GPRS/EGPRS, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 52, 1627-1641, 2003.
Cavallaro J.R., Architectures for heterogeneous multi-tier networks, Wireless Personal Communications, 22 (2), 285-296, 2002.
Chai C. and S. Sun, Study on the technique of man-machine simulation based on posture prediction, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2 (2), 897-904, 2006.
Chan A., R.W.H. Lau, B. Ng, Motion prediction for caching and prefetching in mouse-driven DVE navigation, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 5 (1), 70-81, 2005.
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Chin D., Comparative study of stochastic algorithms for system optimization based on gradient approximation, IEEE Transactions on Systems Man, and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics, 27(2), 244-249, 1997.
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Chow A.H.F., and H.K. Lo, Sensitivity analysis of signal control with physical queuing: Delay derivatives and an application, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 41 (4), 462-477, 2007.
Chu L. and B. Wah, Optimal mapping of neural-network learning on message-passing multicomputers, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 14 (3), 319-339, 1992.
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Cloud D., Applied Modeling and Simulation, 1998.
Clymer J., System design and evaluation using discrete event simulation with AI, European Journal of Operational Research, 84, 213-225, 1995.
D'Acquisto G., and M. Naldi, Computational costs of fast stochastic simulation techniques for Markovian fluid models in multiservice networks, Simulation Practice and Theory, 9, 255-272, 2002.
Dai G.-H., and Z.-B. Ren, Study of microsphere extinction efficiency by Matlab language computer simulation, Infrared and Laser Engineering, 33 (3), 231-234, 2004.
Davison A. , and D. Hinkley, Bootstrap Methods and their Application, 1997.
De Lara J., and H. Vangheluwe, Defining visual notations and their manipulation through meta-modelling and graph transformation, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 15, 309-330, 2004.
Deelman E., and B. Szymanski, Simulating spatially explicit problems on high performance architectures, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 62, 446-467, 2002.
Delaney W., and E. Vaccari, Dynamic Models and Discrete Event Simulation, 1989.
Di Martino B., S. Briguglio, G. Vlad, and P. Sguazzero, Parallel PIC plasma simulation through particle decomposition techniques, Parallel Computing, 27, 295-314, 2001.
Díaz-Emparanza I, Is a small Monte Carlo analysis a good analysis? Checking the size power and consistency of a simulation-based test, Statistical Papers, 43, 567-577, 2002.
Di´ez L.I., C. Corte´s, and A. Campo. Modelling of pulverized coal boilers: Review and validation of on-line simulation techniques, Applied Thermal Engineering, 25 (10), 1516-1533, 2005.
Dippon J., and J. Renz, Weighted means in stochastic approximation of minima, SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, 35 (5), 1811-1827, 1997.
Doung C., Development of a process model for the vacuum assisted resin transfer molding simulation by the response surface method, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 37, 1316-1324, 2006.
Dong X., G. Meng, and J. G Peng, Vibration control of piezoelectric smart structures based on system identification technique: Numerical simulation and experimental study, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 297, 680-693, 2006.
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Efron B., and R. Tibshirani, An Introduction to the Bootstrap, 1993.
Ermoliev Y., and V. Norkin, Normalized convergence in stochastic optimization, Annals of Operations Research, 30, 187-198, 1991.
Fallahi, A., and E. Hossain, Distributed and energy-aware MAC for differentiated services wireless packet networks: A general queuing analytical framework, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 6 (4), 381-394, 2007.
Ferro, A., I. Delgado, A. Mun~oz, and F. Liberal, An analytical model for loss estimation in network traffic analysis systems , Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 72 (7), 1121-1133, 2006.
Filho W., C. Hirata, and E.Yano, GroupSim: A collaborative environment for discrete event simulation software development for the World Wide Web, Simulation, 80, 257-272, 2004.
Fishman G., Monte Carlo, Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications, 1996.
Fishman G., Discrete-Event Simulation: Modeling, Programming and Analysis, 2001.
Fishwick P., Simulation Model Design and Execution: Building Digital Worlds, 1995.
Fletcher R., Practical Methods of Optimization, 1987.
Fonnesbeck C., Spatial modeling of riparian state dynamics in eastern Oregon, USA by using discrete event simulation, Landscape and Urban Planning, 80, 268-277, 2007.
Fortino G., C. Mastroianni, and W. Russo, Cooperative control of multicast-based streaming on-demand systems, Future Generation Computer Systems, 21, 823-839, 2005.
Fournie´ L., D. Hong, and F. Perisse, NetScale: Scalable time-stepped hybrid simulation of large IP networks, Computer Communication Review, 36, 35-38, 2006.
Franke C., B. Basdere, M. Ciupek and S. Seliger, Remanufacturing of mobile phones: Apacity, program and facility adaptation planning, Omega, 34, 562-570, 2006.
Frey P., Radhakrishnan R., Carter H., P. Wilsey, and P. Alexander, A formal specification and verification framework for time warp-based parallel simulation, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 28, 58-78, 2002.
Friedman L., The Simulation Metamodel, 1996.
Fu M., Optimization via simulation: A review, Annals of Operations Research , 53, 199-247, 1994.
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Fujimoto R., Parallel and Distributed Simulation Systems, 2001
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Futschik A., and G. Pflug, Optimal allocation of simulation experiments in discrete stochastic optimization and approximative algorithms, European Journal of Operational Research, 101(1), 245-260, 1997.
Gajvoronskij A., Optimization of stochastic discrete event dynamic systems: A survey of some recent results, Lect. Notes Econ. Math. Syst., 374, 24-44, 1992.
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