From the Pre-Conference Coordinator
Robert DeFillippi , Suffolk University

The 1999 Management Education and Development professional development workshop pre-conference is the product of a partnership between MED and the Organization Behavior Teaching Society.

Many thanks to Bill Ferris, Charlie Wankel, and Jim Stoner of MED and Bob Marx and the Board of Governors of the Organization Behavior Teaching Society for their active support and participation in the planning of this year's  joint MED/OBTS pre-conference. Also, thanks to Diana Bilimoria, Editor of the Journal of Management Education and Marquita Flemming of SAGE Publications, which is sponsoring the joint JME/MED reception Saturday evening.

In the next pages you'll find  a reprise of  the pre-conference program summary I provided in the March issue, amended to reflect schedule changes (i.e.,  the talent show and reception have been moved from Friday to Saturday evening), and including new information on the multiple  workshops in which MED is a co-sponsor with other academy divisions and interest groups. To begin with our MED/OBTS workshop schedule, click on the links to the
Friday, Saturday and Sunday Programs on the left navigator bar. 

When reviewing  your Academy of Management pre-conference program schedule, please also note that MED is the co-sponsor of a large number of additional professional development workshops (click on the link to
co-sponsored workshops )

In summary, the Chicago PDW program reflects the efforts of multiple partnerships between MED and  other Academy divisions and interest groups, as well as the professional collaboration between MED and the  Organization Behavior Teaching Society.  All of us who have worked on this year's pre-conference program sincerely look forward to you joining us from Friday 1 p.m. on August 6 through noon time on Sunday August 8.

Welcome to MED News Online | Pre-conference News | Pre-conference: Friday | Pre-Conference: Saturday | Pre-conference Sunday | Pre-conference: co-sponsored workshops

To contact us:

Regina Bento