Saturday's Program:

8:00-9:30 AM
"Making Experiential Learning More Effective" by Erwin Rausch (  and workshop participants Jeffrey Mello and John B. Washbush helps participants use real world experience more effectively in teaching management topics.

8:00-9:30 AM "Contemplative Methods as Anchors in Times of Discontinuous Change" by Robert Silvers (  and Judith White ( demonstrate and lead participants in the use of visualization and guided imagery as contemplative anchors for stressed out faculty and students.

10:00-11:30 AM "Working with Diverse Students" by Susan Comerford (  and presenters (Anne Crooks Baker, Mary Fambrough, and Esther Wyss) pose teaching challenges and strategies for working with multiculturally diverse adult learners.

10:00-11:30 AM "Development of an Integrative Undergraduate Business Experience" by Kent Zimmerman ( examines an ambitious 12 credit integrative course that replaces previously separate courses in management, marketing, finance and operations.

11:30 AM to 1:00 PM  No sessions: Enjoy Lunch!

100-2:30 PM   "Pedagogy for Plurality" by Ian Palmer ( and Cynthia Hardy ( offers its workshop participants a series of exercises on how to expose students to a plurality of competing and even contradictory perspectives in human resources management, organizational politics, management ethics, strategy making, the learning organization and organizational culture.

1:00-2:30 PM "Contract Grading" by Tammy Bunn Hiller ( and Amy Hietapelto examines what contact grading is, why you should use it, and practical issues of implementing it, including samples of contract grading materials.

3:00-4:30 PM  "Employee Change and Development in a Pluralistic Work Setting" by Minnette Bumpus ( utilizes the interactive card game simulation BARNGA to explore the impact of culture and climate on employee change and development.

3:00-4:30 PM "Hospitable to the Human Spirit: An Imperative for Organizations" by Dorothy Marcic ( explores the role of spirituality in fostering a productive work organization.

6:30 PM to 7:30 PM "Joint Journal of Management Education and MED Reception" features warm greetings by Diana Bilamoria, the Editor of Journal of Management Education and Bill Ferris, MED division, commingled with  cold drinks and finger food. SAGE Publications is sponsoring the reception.

8:30 to 9:30 PM "OBTS/MED Talent Show" is modeled on the highly popular talent show featured at the OBTC annual meetings and will feature some of the best of the OBTC talent troupe organized by Kent Zimmerman ( Seriously, this event promises to be a musical and comedic high point of the pre-conference

Welcome to MED News Online | Pre-conference News | Pre-conference: Friday | Pre-Conference: Saturday | Pre-conference Sunday | Pre-conference: co-sponsored workshops

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Regina Bento