Dr. Al Bento Merrick School of Business Business Center 468 (410) 837-5272
Research Activities
Research Bookk
Articles and book chapter
- "How fast are Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems moving to the Cloud?" with A. F. Bento and R. Bento, Journal of Information Technology Management, Volume 26, number 4, 2015, pp. 35-44.
- "Access to the Cloud and Mobile Computing Technologies." with R. Bento, Journal of Management Systems, Volume 24, number 1, 2014, pp. 23-37.
- "Strategic performance management systems: impact on business results," with L. White and R. Bento, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Volume 54, Number 3, 2014, pp. 25-33.
- "Strategic Information Systems and Business Outcomes." with L. White and R. Bento, International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals, Volume 5, number 1, 2014, pp. 15-25.
- "Validating Cause-and-Effect Relationships in the Balanced Scorecard," with L. White and R. Bento, Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, Volume 17, number 3, 2013, pp.45-55.
- "Cloud Computing: A New Phase in Information Technology Management",with Regina Bento, The Journal of Information Technology Managemen, volume 22, 1, 2011, pp. 39-46.
- "An Exploratory Study of Strategic Performance Measurement Systems", with Lourdes White, Advances in Management Accounting, vol. 18, 2009, pp. 1-26.
- "Factors Affecting The Outcomes of Performance Management Systems," with Regina Bento, Journal of Information Technology Management, Volume 17, number 2, 2006, pp. 23- 32.
- "In Search of the "Missing Intervening Variables: a Performance Management Model," with Lourdes White, Advances in Management Accounting, Volume 15, 2006, pp. 51-79.
- "Congruence in Management Control Practices", with Lourdes White, International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, Volume 3, number 3, 2006, pp. 304-319.
- "The Use of Causal Analysis Techniques in Information Systems Research: A Methodological Note", with Regina Bento, Journal of Information Technology Management, Volume 15, number 3-4, 2004, pp. 44-51.
- "Empirical Test of Hacking Framework: An Exploratory Study ", with Regina Bento, Communications of the AIS, Volume 14, 2004, pp. 678-690.
- "Organizational Form, Performance and Information Costs in Small Businesses", with Lourdes White, Journal of Applied Business Research, Volume 17, number 4, 2001 pp. 41-61.
- "Using the Web to Extend and Support Classroom Learning." College Student Journal, with Regina Bento, 34 (4):603-608, December 2000.
- "Developing a class session using audio and video streaming", book chapter in Web-Based Learning & Teaching Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges, Edited by A. K. Aggarwal, Idea Publishing, 2000.
- "A Comparison of Alternative Models of Budgetary Behavior: Evidence from California City Departments," with Lourdes White, Research in Government and Nonprofit Accounting, Volume 10, 1999, pp. 87-109.
- "The MIDIA_C Framework: An Exploration of the Uses of the World Wide Web for Business." with Regina Bento, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Volume 38, number 2,Winter 1997-1998, pp. 82-86.
- "Systems Analysis: A decision approach," Information and Management, Volume 27, 1994, pp. 185-194.
- "Strategic Impact: an Empirical Study," with G. Grey, Journal of Information Technology Management, Volume 4, number 2, 1993, pp. 7-13.
- "Organizational Behavior in an Information-Technology Rich Environment," with Dr. R. Bento. The Journal of Computer Information Systems, vol. 31, n.4, pp. 67-76, Summer 1991.
- "Tools for End-User Systems Development: a case example," Interface, Fall 1991, pp. 24-31.
- "Policy Making for End-User Systems: A Model and Empirical Evidence," Journal of Information Technology Management, Volume 1, number 1, 1990, pp 15-22.
- "Can end-users develop their own data-base oriented decision support systems?," Journal of Computer Information Systems, Volume 29, number 1, Fall 1989, pp 13- 21.
- "Research in Information Systems: A Model Course," Journal of Computer Information Systems,Volume 28, number 2, Spring 1988, pp. 42-49.
- "The Research Practice in Social Sciences: A Decision and Action Strategy," with Regina D. Ferreira, Revista Brasileira de Administracao Publica, Volume 15, number 1, Oct-Dec 1983.
- "The Managerial Functions: A Pilot Field Study in Rio de Janeiro," with Rudiger B. Wysk, Revista de Administracao de Empresas, Volume 23, number 3, July-Sept 1983.
- "Charge-Out Systems: A Brazilian Case," with Rudiger B. Wysk, Dados e Ideias, 7(50), July 1982.
- "Information Systems and Social Theory: An Essay," Revista de Administracao Publica, Volume 13, number 3, jul./set. 1981.
- "A Study of Strategic Performance Measurement Systems: Characteristics and Outcomes," with L. White, R. Bento, and Ana Bento, Proceedings, CISTI'2013 - 8ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2013.
- "Validating Cause-and-Effect Relationships in the Balanced Scorecard." with L. White, R. Bento, Proceedings of 2012 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference, Cambridge, UK, June 2012.
- "Access to the Cloud and Mobile Computing Technologies." with Regina Bento, Proceedings of the ISOneWorld 2011 Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 2011.
- "Cloud Computing: IT Change or Management Revolution." with Regina Bento, Proceedings of the Oxford Business Economics Conference, Oxford, UK, June 2010.
- "The Business Impact of Strategic Performance Measurement Systems: Organizational, System, and Information Technology Factors." with L.White and R.Bento, Proceedings of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management, Paris, France, June 2010.
- "Strategic Performance Measurement system characteristics, outcomes, and performance." with Lourdes White, Proceedings, 6th Global Conference on Business and Economics, Harvard University, Boston, October 2006.
- "Factors affecting the outcomes of Performance Management Systems." with Regina Bento, Proceedings, 2006 Americas Conference on Information Systems, Acapulco, Mexico, August 2006.
- Bento, A. & White, L. In search of the missing intervening variables: a performance management model, Proceedings, 2005 Advances in Management Accounting Research Conference, Monterey, CA, May 2005.
- "Empirical Test of Hacking Framework: model and preliminary study ", with Regina Bento, Proceedings, 2004 Association of Information Systems Americas Conference, New York, NY,August 2004.
- SOHO Security: a technical briefing," Proceedings, 2003 Association of Information Systems Americas Conference. Tampa, Florida , August 2003
- "The Use of Causal Analysis Techniques in Information Sys-tems Research: a mini tutorial," Proceedings, 2001 Association of Information Systems Americas Conference. Boston, August, 2001.
- "Installation and use of Linux as a client and server operating system: a tutorial, Proceedings, 1999 Association of Information Systems Americas Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 1999.
- "Web Teaching Paradigms", with E. Rubin. and. C. Wankel, Proceedings, 1998 Association of Information Systems Americas Conference. Baltimore, Maryland, August 1998.
- "Uses of the World Wide Web for Business," with Regina Bento, Proceedings, 1996 Association for Information Systems Americas Conference on Information Systems. Phoenix, Arizona, August 16-18, 1996.
- "A Learning Centered Approach to Education Using Hypermedia and the Internet," with Ramu Kannan, Proceedings, 1996 Association for Information Systems Americas Conference on Information Systems. Phoenix, Arizona, August 16-18, 1996.
- "Teaching students to develop their home pages, " Proceedings, the Inaugural Association for Information Systems Americas Conference, Pittsburgh, August 1995.
- "Is There a Better Way to Structure a Small Business?," Proceedings, Northeast DSI, Philadelphia, March 31-April 2, 1993
- "Budgetary Decision-Making Styles and Models," Proceedings, American Accounting Association National Conference, with Lourdes D. Ferreira, Washington, D.C., August 1992.
- "A Research Framework for Information Technology Management in Small Business," with Dr. Tony Rands, Proceedings, 1991 Association of Management Conference Atlantic City, August 1991
- "Managerial and technical factors related to strategic impact of information technology," with Glen Gray, Proceedings, National Conference of the Association of Management, Orlando, August 1990.
- "Systems Analysis: A Decision Approach," Proceedings, HRMOB National Conference, Long Beach, October 1988.
- "Information Management and the Teaching of Organizational Behavior," with R. Bento, Proceedings, Second Annual Conference of the International Academy for Information Management, Pittsburgh, December 1987.
- "MTIS Approach for DSS Development: An Experimental Evaluation," Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society, Office Automation Conference, April 1987.
- "A Model For an Information Systems Research Course," Proceedings, Western DSI Conference, March 1987.
- "MTIS Approach for DSS Development: A Case Example," Proceedings, ACM SIGSMALL Conference, December 1986.
- "Management Through Information Systems: Decision Support Systems Development," Proceedings, 19th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, January 1986.
Non-refereed journal publications
- "On Method." Journal of Information Technology Management, Vol IV, number 2, 1993, pp. i-ii
- "Where is MIS going?,"Journal of Information Technology Management, Vol IV, number 1, 1993, p. i-ii.
- "Invitation for Research on Information Technology in Small Business."Journal of Information Technology Management, Vol II, number 3, 1991, p. i-ii.
- "Information Technology Management in the 1990s," Journal of Information Technology Management, Vol II, number 2, 1991, p. i.
- A series of 12 tutorial articles on Managerial Planning and Control published biweekly in Portuguese, Boletim Cambial Diario, 1976:
- "The Management Approach - A Framework," May 10, 1976.
- "Organizations - A Managerial Perspective," May 25, 1976.
- "Organizations - Systems and Organizations as Systems," June 6, 1976.
- "Organizations - Objectives, Environment, and Planning and Control", June 22, 1976.
- "What is Planning and Control?," July 6, 1976.
- "Strategic Planning, Management and Operational Control," July 20, 1976.
- "Planning Integration and Case Illustration - part I," with Dr. Tony Rands, August 3, 1976.
- "Planning Integration and Case Illustration - part II," with Dr.Tony Rands, August 17, 1976.
- "The Planning Process," August 31, 1976.
- "Management by Objectives, Organizational Development and Planning & Control," September 14, 1976.
- "Planning and Control Tools," September 28, 1976.
- "Information Systems for Planning and Control," October 5, 1976.
- "Web Teaching Laboratory," 1997 Maryland Technology Showcase, December 1997
- "World Wide Web Development," 1996 Maryland Technology Showcase, December 1996
- "Technology in Higher Education," 1995 Maryland Technology Showcase, December 1995.
- "Business and the World Wide Web," AACSB Mid-Atlantic Regional meeting, Baltimore, September 1995.
- "Internet for Business", eight-hour seminar on July 5, 1995 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and July 7, 1995, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (over 200 participants in both events).
- "Information Technology and Strategy," eight-hour seminar on July 12, 1995, in Sao Paulo Brazil, and July 14, 1995, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (over 50 participants in each event).
- "Ethics and the Internet," Hoffberger Center, Ethics Week, April 1995.
- "Information Technology and America Competitive Ability," Keynote Speaker, 1994 Association of Management National Conference, Dallas, August 1994.
- "Information Technology and Teamwork." (with R. Bento). National Conference on Successful College Teaching. University of Florida. Orlando, February 1994.
- "Budgetary Decision-Making Styles," Washington Accounting Research Society," with Lourdes D. Ferreira, Washington, D.C., November 1992.
- "MIS Research Trends," National Conference of the Association of Management, Boston, November 1989.
- "Information Systems Management: A New Experience for End-User Managers," National Conference TIMS/ ORSA, October 1988, Denver.
- "The Shaping of An Editorial Policy: The Case of The Journal of Information Resources Management Systems, National Conference TIMS/ ORSA," October 1988, Denver.
- "End-User Computing: Stages, Policies and Systems Development, National Conference of TIMS/ORSA," October 1987, Saint Louis.
- "Management of end-user system development process: a research report, Boston University, Information Systems Research Center," November 1984.
- "An empirical test of an information system contingency theory," Boston University School of Management, Working Paper 14/84, 1984.
- "Information Systems Contingency Theory: A Proposal and an Empirical Test in California Cities," Graduate School of Management, UCLA, Doctoral Dissertation, July 1980.
Electronic Publications
- "Al Bento Teaching Page," World Wide Web, September 1995 (revised 2000)
http://home.ubalt.edu/abento/index.shtml (close to 37,000 accesses).
- "Installing and using Pegasus Mail," World Wide Web, September 1999.
- "Al Bento Linux Pages,"World Wide Web, June 1999, updated September 1999.
- "Installing RedHat Linux as workstation and server," World Wide Web, August 1999.
- "Dual-booting between Windows NT and Linux," World Wide Web, August 1999.
- "K Desktop Environment (KDE): installation and customization," World Wide Web, August 1999.
- "Guide to some basic application software installation," World Wide Web, August 1999.
- "Installation and configuration of the Apache Web Server," World Wide Web, August 1999.
- "Installation of a counter software for your Web Server," World Wide Web, August 1999.
- "Setup telnet and ftp servers," World Wide Web, August 1999.
- "Installation and setup of SAMBA and TkSmb," World Wide Web, August 1999.
- "Mounting floppy and CD-ROM," World Wide Web, August 1999.
- "Installing RPM packages in Red Hat Linux," World Wide Web, August 1999.
- "Fix Sendmail in a LAN," World Wide Web, August 1999.
- "Setting Sygate to run servers in LAN machines," World Wide Web, June 1999.
- "Hardware requirements: the do's and don'ts," World Wide Web, June 1999.
- "Getting information," World Wide Web, June 1999.
- "Example of RealServer and Apache running in the BNT Net," World Wide Web, May 1999.
- "Localhost no longer works: how to fix it," World Wide Web, March 1999.
- "Network settings for Linux behind Wingate," World Wide Web, March 1999.
- "Network settings for Linux behind Sygate," World Wide Web, March 1999.
- "The BNT Net (environment of many tutorials)," World Wide Web, March 1999.
- "Merrick School of Business home page, "World Wide Web, October 1994.
Included in Yahoo in May 15, 1995, reviewed by Magellan in October 1995. Presently not maintained by me.
- "Sending word processing files as attachments using Web browsers," World Wide Web, February 1998.
- "Obtaining and using HomeSite," World Wide Web, September 1997
- "PC Pine FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions," World Wide Web, August 1997
- "Creating and porting Perl CGIs in Windows95/NT." World Wide Web, July 1997
- "Win CGI specifications, Windows95/NT," World Wide Web, July 1997
- "Essential Visual Basic (for CGI Programming)," World Wide Web, July 1997
- "Creating Visual Basic Win-CGIs," World Wide Web, July 1997
- "Using Telnet and FTP in Windows 95/NT," World Wide Web, January 1997
- "How to create a counter for your Web page in UBMail," World Wide Web, September 1996
- "Maintaining your account in UBmail," World Wide Web, September 1996
- "Essential JavaScript," World Wide Web, May 1996.
- "CGIs and Perl," World Wide Web, May 1996.
- "Essential Perl," World Wide Web, May 1996.
- "Brief introduction to image development in Showcase," World Wide Web, April 1996.
- "Editing graphical files in Windows," World Wide Web, April 1996 (major revision).
- "Technology and Higher Education," World Wide Web, April 1996.
- "Using Imagemaps with the Netscape Commerce Server (Home, WebTeach and Pebble)," World Wide Web, March, 1996.
- "Frames, a Netscape extension," World Wide Web, March 1996.
- "Some basic background colors in Netscape," World Wide Web, March 1996.
- "NetTerm Keyboard Customization" World Wide Web, March 1996.
- "Downloading files using FTP and Lynx in UBMail," World Wide Web, January 1996.
- "Web Software Collection,"World Wide Web, January 1996 (close to 900 accesses).
- "SELECT references on the Web," World Wide Web, December 1995. Over 1,500 references, organized in eight different pages.
- "A paper in DSS development,"World Wide Web, November 1995
- "Installing Windows 95," World Wide Web, October 1995
- "Voice: a case in systems development," World Wide Web, October 1995
- "National: a case in Data Flow Diagrams," World Wide Web, October 1995
- "Porter Hospital: a case in DSS development," World Wide Web, October 1995
- "Using the Webmagic editor in the SGIs," World Wide Web, June 1995
- "Using sounds in your page," World Wide Web, June 1995
- "Lists and Netscape extensions," World Wide Web, June 1995
- "Tables and Netscape extensions," World Wide Web, June 1995
- "Editing graphical files in Windows," World Wide Web, June 1995
- "FAQ_Mail.Vax in the Indys," World Wide Web, June 1995
- "Imagemap tutorial," World Wide Web, May 1995
- "Essential HTML," World Wide Web, March 1995
- "Picture tutorial," World Wide Web, April 1995
- "CIS-L home page," World Wide Web, March 1995
- "CIS-L Fileserve home page," World Wide Web, March 1995
This page is maintained by Al Bento who can be reached at .
This page was last updated on September 28, 2016. Although we will attempt to keep this information accurate, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.